
Teenagers are idiots, most of the time. They do incredibly stupid things. Hormones, drugs, alcohol, and a not-yet fully formed idea of their actions’ consequences means they screw up. A lot.

OMG it is totally about me!

So, there’s this 17-year-old girl with a lot to say about the AFL. About sex and older men and power and betrayal. She may have won Ricky Nixon’s scalp - there is speculation he is now stepping down after confessing to “inappropriate dealings” with her.

On paper, this is a great story of the little guy (girl) standing up to the big bully boy. In reality it’s a teenager. A teenager who has now outed herself – or been outed – on 60 Minutes. There are reports she was paid a five-figure sum. Which isn’t really that much, when you think about it.

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  • S says:

    05:44pm | 09/03/11

    I just think of my nearly 16 year old daughter and I can tell you right now the amount of trouble she would’ve been in from the very get-go. AND, it would not have gone any further. Mind you, I’ve taught my daughter right from wrong. Now I know teenagers… Read more »

  • Jon says:

    03:22pm | 08/03/11

    re: the pregnancy that didn’t happen & how she smeared the player’s name because of that, she should be held accountable and be sued for libel & defamation. It is only true accountability will she learn her lesson, right now almost everyone is catering to her every whim - MEDIA… Read more »


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