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Paul Colgan

Japan earthquake: live updates plus streaming video


RT @stuartrobertmp: Approaching 4 hrs stuck on the bullet train, another train stuck beside us, at least lights are still on, people very calm around us


#womad invaded by little hotties! #musthavegotlost


RT @danielbowen: "There is no Tsunami threat to Australia." (ping @Colvinius )

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Nosebleed Section

choice ringside rantings

From: A sizzling, crispy salute to bacon, without the porkies

Alex says:

Pig farming is disgusting. It's bad for the pigs, for the environment and for us. Easiest solution? Don't eat the pigs. Bacon is greasy, fatty and unhealthy anyway. [read more]

From: Families have dined out on the public long enough

Zeta says:

Where are these people eating, Sizzler? I eat out more than I eat in and I've never noticed children in restaurants. Maybe I'm just going to nicer restaurants. If you live in the suburbs, and you actually eat in the suburbs, I imagine there are children around, but you get what you deserve, because you… [read more]

Gentle jabs to the ribs

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Readers, as we’re sure you’re well aware, The Punch is Nigeria’s main national newspaper.… Read more



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