Tory Shepherd

Tory Shepherd

Tory Shepherd studied anthropology, then travelled, then studied some more, then travelled, then ended up with a cadetship at The Advertiser in 2006. She covered police rounds, politics, general news and health, while working at The Punch on the side. And doing some more travelling and studying. Now Tory is filling in for the other Tory (Maguire) as editor of The Punch. She is passionate about words, wine, chilli, soccer, and people (even the ones who hate her or keep praying for her soul).

Articles by Tory Shepherd

Let’s be blunt about the country…

Let’s be blunt about the country…

07 Mar 11 Leave the city behind. Leave the traffic and the noise, and the crime and the expensive real estate, and escape…... Read more

AFL scandal girl’s an idiot. Because she’s a teenager

AFL scandal girl’s an idiot. Because she’s a teenager

07 Mar 11 Teenagers are idiots, most of the time. They do incredibly stupid things. Hormones, drugs, alcohol, and a not-yet fully formed…... Read more

Punch on: Open thread 07/03/2011

Punch on: Open thread 07/03/2011

07 Mar 11 Welcome to Monday at The Punch. In 1965, at least 50 people were injured when police broke up a civil…... Read more

Sex - when too much is barely enough

Sex - when too much is barely enough

03 Mar 11 I love hot chips. I can’t get enough. Sometimes I’m thinking about hot chips when I should be thinking about…... Read more

An inside guide to spin doctors’ wily ways

An inside guide to spin doctors’ wily ways

01 Mar 11 Like the proverbial frog dropped into cold water and boiled slowly, we have grown accustomed to paying people to twist…... Read more

$15 million buys a lot of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll

$15 million buys a lot of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll

25 Feb 11 Michael Carroll, UK binman, won $15 million and blew it all in eight years on drugs, cars and women. He’s…... Read more

Humanity. Much better than expected.

Humanity. Much better than expected.

24 Feb 11 These past two days I’ve been gazing at my fellow office workers and wondering: If an earthquake struck here, who…... Read more

Sex education + contraception = fewer abortions

Sex education + contraception = fewer abortions

22 Feb 11 All those people who think sex is just about procreation must be doing it wrong. Every time a conservative talks…... Read more

It’s Star Trek, but not as we know it

It’s Star Trek, but not as we know it

18 Feb 11 Star Trek. Object of slavish devotion, of cult-like following. And now, site of homo-erotic fantasy. In this article, Peter…... Read more

When sorry seems to be the hardest word

When sorry seems to be the hardest word

16 Feb 11 Apologising is tough work. Most of us are hard wired to defend our actions, even when deep down inside we…... Read more

We should fund Islamic schools for our own good

We should fund Islamic schools for our own good

15 Feb 11 Public money should not be spent on promoting religion. We don’t need religious school chaplains. State schools should be well…... Read more

Mubarak has once again disappointed his people

Mubarak has once again disappointed his people

11 Feb 11 After weeks of protests against his reign, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was expected set to step down this morning. But…... Read more

Did Abbott say ‘shit happens’, or ‘shit happens’?

Did Abbott say ‘shit happens’, or ‘shit happens’?

09 Feb 11 The intonation is crucial. Australians use the phrase in two quite different ways, and the clue to whether what Mr…... Read more

Australia does not have a ‘way of life’

Australia does not have a ‘way of life’

08 Feb 11 Former Premier Jeff Kennett has urged Australians to be vigilant about ethnic threats and told the Herald Sun that migrants…... Read more

Would you brake for a cane toad? A kangaroo? A cat?

Would you brake for a cane toad? A kangaroo? A cat?

07 Feb 11 Roadkill is a reality of Australian life. Drivers should slow down, be aware, and avoid killing native animals without putting…... Read more

When disasters leave us lost for words…

When disasters leave us lost for words…

04 Feb 11 Queensland really dodged a bullet. After the devastating floods of that fatal tsunami inundated the state, the waters had barely…... Read more

Live blog: Cyclone Yasi hits Queensland

Live blog: Cyclone Yasi hits Queensland

03 Feb 11 Update 6:05am : Cyclone Yasi has been downgraded to a category three storm, but remains dangerous. The “very destructive” core,…... Read more

Crack down on quacks and make them pay the bill

Crack down on quacks and make them pay the bill

02 Feb 11 The world is full of quacks. Legislation won’t work. Time for MyQuack. Sorry, scrap that, bad connotations. Time for a…... Read more

Digging a hole while trying to find God

Digging a hole while trying to find God

01 Feb 11 Church leaders faced with a national disaster are struggling to find relevance and avoid hypocrisy. In the wake of the…... Read more

Get angry. Then get over it.

Get angry. Then get over it.

28 Jan 11 The resounding response to the flood levy has been: We want to donate of our own free will, not be…... Read more

A levy? A tax? A necessary evil?

A levy? A tax? A necessary evil?

27 Jan 11 Prime Minister Julia Gillard has appealed to emotion and a sense of nationhood to sell her flood rescue package, which…... Read more

More men saying women are crap at stuff

More men saying women are crap at stuff

25 Jan 11 Ugh. I can barely be bothered raising the requisite outrage to talk about the latest sexism in sport scandal. Read…... Read more

Are today’s parents toothless tigers?

Are today’s parents toothless tigers?

25 Jan 11 We’ve had free-range parenting, helicopter parenting, attachment parenting and now we have ``tiger mums’‘. In case you missed the shitstorm,…... Read more

Adelaide. It’s OK! (No, really.)

Adelaide. It’s OK! (No, really.)

22 Jan 11 The Property Council of Australia - in one of those surveys aimed at getting their name on every news service…... Read more

Series final: Autism and vaccinations

Series final: Autism and vaccinations

19 Jan 11 The final in a three-part series exposing the fraudulent link between autism and vaccination is out today. Read about the…... Read more

Jabs, autism, viruses and panic

Jabs, autism, viruses and panic

18 Jan 11 The link between autism and vaccines is dead, and should be buried. However, that destructive little idea received a couple…... Read more

In the wake of disaster, scammers strike

In the wake of disaster, scammers strike

13 Jan 11 Extreme situations bring out extreme behaviour. So far we have seen heroism, desperation, and stoicism. Grief and relief. And now…... Read more

As the water rises again, the questions begin

As the water rises again, the questions begin

12 Jan 11 Almost as soon as they can speak, humans starting asking “Why?”. We hate feeling powerless. We hate the not-knowing. So…... Read more

We need to keep the bigger issues in mind

We need to keep the bigger issues in mind

11 Jan 11 Our mental health priorities are seriously out of whack. Australia’s mental health system is a shambles. It’s under-funded and plagued…... Read more

It’s just a jump to the left… then a step to the right

It’s just a jump to the left… then a step to the right

06 Jan 11 The South Australian Liberal Party today declared it ‘out lefts’ Labor on social justice issues, and will do more to…... Read more

Parental leave is more about the welfare of the ageing

Parental leave is more about the welfare of the ageing

04 Jan 11 Across the nation, bins are ringing with the sound of discarded contraceptives as women prepare to embrace motherhood for the…... Read more

Government forced to defend detention security breach

Government forced to defend detention security breach

30 Dec 10 In case you missed the news, there was a mass breakout at the Inverbrackie detention centre yesterday. The controversial site,…... Read more

Giving the gift that keeps on giving

Giving the gift that keeps on giving

28 Dec 10 Tonight I’m going to pour myself a generous glass of red made from biodynamically grown grapes, turn the ABC up…... Read more

Evil Government says holograms not real science

Evil Government says holograms not real science

23 Dec 10 In a shock move today, the makers of Power Balance wristbands have been forced to say they do not actually…... Read more

Punch on: Open thread 22/12/2010

Punch on: Open thread 22/12/2010

22 Dec 10 On this day in 1972 the Chilean Air force found 14 survivors from a plane that had crashed in the…... Read more

Football scandal spreads on internet. Again.

Football scandal spreads on internet. Again.

21 Dec 10 Another day, another footballer caught up in a scandal. Today it’s Riewoldt fronting the media in defence of explicit pictures…... Read more

Kids should be exposed to people from all walks of life

Kids should be exposed to people from all walks of life

21 Dec 10 Primary school education should include introducing each and every child to the following: - A broad range of races and…... Read more

MyPollie: Time to tell the leaders what you really think

MyPollie: Time to tell the leaders what you really think

20 Dec 10 Here at The Punch we’re not above nicking a good idea from our readers. Last week I posted a piece…... Read more

An asylum seeker’s story: journey to Australia

An asylum seeker’s story: journey to Australia

16 Dec 10 Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy fled his native Iraq 15 years ago. Saddam Hussein’s regime had ordered him to cut off the…... Read more

The day Nestlé gobbled Jenny Craig all up

The day Nestlé gobbled Jenny Craig all up

16 Dec 10 I like the name ‘Nestlé’. You can say it softly (nestle) or with that European flamboyance (Nestlé!). And there’s just…... Read more

How do you solve a problem like religious zealotry?

How do you solve a problem like religious zealotry?

15 Dec 10 Religious extremism seems to be on the rise, and the reaction against extremism is only getting more … extreme. We…... Read more

MyHospitals, MyChoice?

MyHospitals, MyChoice?

14 Dec 10 Governments treat their employers (us) with such contempt. They genuinely think we can’t handle the truth, that they need to…... Read more

Hygiene hypothesis: let children eat dirt

Hygiene hypothesis: let children eat dirt

06 Dec 10 Rise up, parents, and rub your kids’ faces in a bit of dirt. Let them eat snails, and snot, and…... Read more

We’re not turning into each other, we’re just chilling out

We’re not turning into each other, we’re just chilling out

29 Nov 10 If dedicating yourself to a job and having a complete lack of elegance is manly, well then - call me…... Read more

Are weddings getting weirder?

Are weddings getting weirder?

19 Nov 10 People are doing it under the Golden Arches, underwater, in the nude and in Nazi uniforms. They get hitched in…... Read more

Adelaide. Eat. Pray. Kill?

Adelaide. Eat. Pray. Kill?

18 Nov 10 Adelaide. It’s orderly, clean and quiet. Maybe too quiet. Because somewhere behind the odd mix of plummy accents and mullet…... Read more

Big business is still giving men a leg up

Big business is still giving men a leg up

05 Nov 10 A woman does not have to be a man to succeed in business. And it only appears to be a…... Read more

What would Mary do? Tips from a hometown hero

What would Mary do? Tips from a hometown hero

21 Oct 10 Faced with the unexpected arrival of about 400 refugees in her town, I doubt she’d say “There goes the neighbourhood”.…... Read more

The 100 desperate people Australia forgot

The 100 desperate people Australia forgot

23 Sep 10 Three weeks ago, in a small town on the NSW coast, a man and his mate were both stabbed during…... Read more

All aboard the conspiracy bus

All aboard the conspiracy bus

30 Jul 10 All aboard the conspiracy bus. The media pack following Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, in the absence of external stimulus in…... Read more

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Anthony Sharwood

Is Wonthaggi Australia's silliest town name? Might start a hashtag #SillyTownNames

Malcolm Farr

Wake me when this woman is more than entertainment value. The Punch today:

Malcolm Farr

The annual Best Stuffing Up Of Perfectly Good Carpark competition will be fierce, but I reckon our Parliament House boys have it in the bag.

Lucy Kippist

Very interesting: what journalism will look like in 25 yrs?

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Gillard’s guide to regaining her mojo

Gillard’s guide to regaining her mojo

The Prime Minister has been strutting her stuff in the Oval Office, but back home, her popularity has…

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Meat: Why Tim Flannery is wrong

The recent revelation that new Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery has a contract with Meat and Livestock…

Nosebleed Section

choice ringside rantings

From: Gillard’s guide to regaining her mojo

stevie p says:

Australians, as Ms Gillard keps telling us, are open, frank, embrace change, look the world in the eye, are creative etc etc etc. They are basically also a pretty honest mob of people who don't like being lied to. If she thinks this will go away and gradually ease over the long term, forget it. Australians… [read more]

From: Families have dined out on the public long enough

Zeta says:

Where are these people eating, Sizzler? I eat out more than I eat in and I've never noticed children in restaurants. Maybe I'm just going to nicer restaurants. If you live in the suburbs, and you actually eat in the suburbs, I imagine there are children around, but you get what you deserve, because you… [read more]

Gentle jabs to the ribs

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Readers, as we’re sure you’re well aware, The Punch is Nigeria’s main national newspaper.… Read more



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