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  1. @JacobNordby Thank you and good morning!
  2. RT @theSoniaG: Folks u support our hunger strike please come out Thursday for our Press Conference/rally at 12pm #dreamact
  3. RT @Reverend_Sue: @Maurice_Garland @BoycottBP @mexirover WE ALL need to #boycottBigOil and develop clean energy as the norm. #green #cle ...
  4. RT @BoycottBP: Reminder: Arco, AM/PM, Aral, Amoco, Wild Bean Cafe and Castrol are all BP brand companies. #BoycottBP
  5. RT @Maurice_Garland: if u trying to #boycottBP dont get gas from BP, Safeway, Costco, Walmart or Kroger, dont buy Castrol Motor Oil and ...
  6. RT @Blackempire: KIRK GETS THE MADDOW TREATMENT #p2 #tcot
  7. RT @watergatesummer: MT @truthout Dispersant Disaster: A Closer Look at BP's Toxic Solution:... #oilspill #blacktide
  8. RT @srjones66: Fox News Embraces Palin and the Tea Party and Loses 120,000 Viewers #fox news fail #liberal #left #p ...
  9. RT @truthout: Dispersant Disaster: A Closer Look at BP's Toxic Solution: Kristian Gustavson found "all sorts" of de... ...
  10. RT @freepress: SaveTheInternet: Crawford Calls Techies to Action in Fight for Open Internet
  11. RT @eugenedebs: 14 year old shot and killed by border patrol // this is disgusting (via @VivirLatino) (via @icirr)
  12. @TreeHugger Dig deep in your searches
  13. @ArizonaNewsnet Amid pressure to resign Blair wants to repair bridges,
  14. RT @StateDept: Live From #Ecuador: Watch #SecClinton deliver “Opportunity in the Americas" speech via live video in a few minutes at: ht ...
  15. Why should my tax dollar go to racist pols/laws; OOH how can good candidates wo deep pockets get elected? Az broke
  16. RT @downwithtyranny: Supreme Court just ruled AZ candidates who have opted into state’s public financing system can’t collect matching f ...
  17. RT @ronaldjackson: SABOTAGING PEACE: The Real Motive Behind The #Flotilla Attack — A Trick The Israeli Gov Has Pulled Time And Again htt ...
  18. RT @opalayo: Looks like we in @PuenteAZ movement better bring our A game! Seems #SB1070 may spread throughout the U.S. ...
  19. RT @Lavellsays: How the hell is it we have a political system where the candidate with the most MONEY not the most VOTES wins, wth!!
  20. RT @politico: Ariz. pol wants immigrant 'tent city'.