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Sunday 06 Mar 2011

  • Min 17°C
  • Max 28°C


  • 17 - 30°C


  • 18 - 32°C

WIN with inmycommunity

featured competition 2 Enter now for a chance to WIN two tickets to see Les Frères, at Astor Theatre on Saturday March 12. Go>

Featured Local Events

Moana Pasifika Pacific Sporting Tournament - Mar 5

The Multi-Sport Tournament is a community event to be held in the Peel Region of Western Australia annually. The Committee invites and brings together clubs and individuals from all over Australia and the Pacific to compete in Senior and Junior Touch Football and Women's Senior and Junior Netball sporting disciplines. read more

Joke of the day

An 85 year old couple, having been married almost 60 years, had died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years mainly due to her interest in health food, and exercise. read more

Videos of the week

Photographer galleries of the week

Flash games of the week

Your Stars

zodiac sign of the day

PISCES - Feb 19 to March 20

MAR 05 - Maybe you will feel more self-sufficient or even self-absorbed today, but if you can't do that when the New Moon is in your sign, when can you? This only happens once a year so aim to do anything which makes you feel centre of attention. Dynamic friends and team mates will keep you on the go over coming weeks with adventurous plans. Co-operation will not always be easy as you swing between tolerance and obstinacy, but remember that more hands make lighter work.
Read other star signs here


Earthweek Thumbnail Image

For all the latest on natural events happening around the world, take a look at Earthweek - a diary of our planet. It explains what Mother Nature has been up to for the past week. Click to view >

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