Home > The Deal - The Australian Business Magazine 03:35 AEST | 23 February 2011
The Deal - The Australian Business Magazine

The Australian's new monthly business magazine, The Deal is about giving readers a new slant on business - one that looks behind the companies and the processes at the people, the challenges and the ideas that drive the nation's business sector. The Deal will go well beyond the usual daily and weekly business coverage to analyse, explain and seek out the newest trends and the most exciting and innovative people in business.

The Deal is for people who are interested in business, who are intrigued by the power and possibilities of the market and what it can deliver. It's for people who know they can't understand the world, without understanding the way business operates. It's for business people who want more than company reports and who are interested in how business fits into the whole society: it's for people who know they can't understand business, without understanding its context.

The Deal will be unapologetically Australian in its approach - straightforward yet surprising - and will reflect the confidence and robust nature of our business sector. At the same time, we will leverage our global resources, including those of the prestigious Wall Street Journal, to give readers an intelligent and focused look at world business trends and the people behind them. Business is powerful - but it's also personal. It's about the connections between people, it's about instinct and creativity, it's about the deals and the synergy, it's about understanding your competitor at the most fundamental level.

The Australian's new magazine, The Deal will cut through the hype and offer a fresh and individual look at the world of business.

100,363 *
cover price (M-F)
Free inside Fridays edition of The Australian
Source: *ABC Audit December 2010.
**Roy Morgan Research September 2010
Based on host: The Australian (Fri), capital cities only

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Name: Alan Lamb
National Brand Sales Manager
Phone: (02) 9288 3651
Email: lamba@theaustralian.com.au
Address: 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

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