Through a network of publications News Ltd offers advertisers access to some of Australia’s most dynamic markets. Our presence extends on the east coast from Cairns to Tasmania and across to Alice Springs in the centre of the continent. Significantly we offer dominant coverage of the major regional cities of Australia and also the highest selling rural titles.

The four major Regional Dailies cover dynamic, growing and attractive markets characterised by the same urban needs as the major metro markets. A population of 1,059,179 exists across the 4 regional cities and they are all centres of significant population growth.


These titles serve a variety of townships or communities, typically outside the regional cities. They are the primary media within their township and offer advertisers important coverage of isolated population groups that are often very dependent on their local newspaper for a sense of community and connection.. 

Our regional community titles offer coverage of these markets by way of a network of free home delivered titles. They are represented in each of the regional cities and offer extended coverage of these cities.

Our Rural titles offer comprehensive delivery of farm and rural centres throughout the south-east of Australia,particularly in Victoria and Tasmania, as well as national reach.

Regional and Rural map
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