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Saturday, September 5, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

Steam Client Update Released


If you purchased Overlord II via the Steam digital distribution client, then it's time to update your platform with a few bug fixes. Those fixes include the following:

Steam Client
  • Fixed issue with scroll bars on HTML pages not showing after javascript DOM modification changed page height
  • Fixed issue where Steam can not be closed after playing Section 8
  • Fixed Champions Online keys not always being available when Steam first starts
  • To get the update, open the Steam file menu and select "Check for Steam Client Updates..." and allow Steam to restart itself when prompted.

    Topics: Announcements
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC)
    Friday, September 4, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Two New Overlord II Reviews


    Yes, that's right, months after its release there are still new reviews being posted around the 'Net. The two reviews are fairly different, one being more positive and the other being more negative (although still has a 3 star rating, showing that star ratings are completely irrelevant and pointless).
    Another disappointing aspect to this game is that the graphics aren't terrific and there are a number of bugs in the game. One of the bugs involves your minions sometimes running around in circles instead of attacking an enemy.This game also has multiplayer features that unfortunately do not stack up to make the game more interesting.
    Overlord 2 is a wicked delight through and through. With the plot and superb dialogue penned by none other than Terry Pratchett's daughter, Rhianna Pratchett, and 20-odd hours of terror to bring upon the woolly heads of Nordberg's sorry denizens and beyond, this is a game that's going to keep you entertained far more than any of that other dribble you're currently playing.

    You can check out the first (negative) review right here, and for the more positive review you can click here.

    Topics: Reviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)
    Thursday, August 27, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Overlord 2 Review


    Another review today, this time a short one from about Overlord 2.

    So, Overlord 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel with the genre but if you liked the first one, you're bound to like the second one. Especially if you like playing the bad guy.

    It may be short, but you can still take a look and see what New Zealand thinks about the game.

    Topics: Reviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)

    Overlord: Minions Review


    While the flood of Overlord reviews have gone, a new one from the folks at have given their impressions of Overlord: Minions for the Nintendo DS.

    Climax Studios have crafted an enjoyable adventure for DS owners, but the end result is not without its fair share of control and longevity hindrances. A successful combination of many styles of play, with a healthy dollop of British humour mixed in for good effect, it's definitely one to consider for fans of exploring and Overlord.

    So if you're looking to get some feedback on Overlord: Minions, be sure to click here.

    Topics: Reviews
    Related Games: Overlord: Minions (Nintendo DS)
    Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Black Like Me


    It's no secret on any level that Overlord II pushes the bounds of offensiveness, especially to certain subcultures and groups (here's looking at you, PETA). Clubbing baby seals, fat wealthy people, over-the-top tree hugging elves... Everything has a parallel meant to tickle somebody the wrong way. And on top of that, Overlord as a series takes something that should be dark and scary and makes it hilarious and enjoyable.

    It takes a lot of talent and some real nuggets to make a game like that, and the Johannesburg Times takes a look in that in an editorial called Black Like Me.

    See, the first victims in the developers’ war on political correctness are fluffy, virtual baby seals. That should be a clue as to how far this game is willing to push the boundaries of bad taste — watching the minions scamper off after them is in extremely poor taste, but it’s funny in a very morbid way (sort of ). And things just get worse.

    So why not take a read of the article and see whether you agree or disagree, and when you're done, maybe club another baby seal just to show political correctness who's boss.

    Topics: Editorials
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)
    Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Planet Overlord Interview: Rhianna Pratchett


    You've seen her around the 'Net before and in gaming magazines, whether as a journalist or as a star gaming writer. Rhianna Pratchett, the brains behind the humorous dialog and stories of the entire Overlord series sat down with us here at Planet Overlord to answer a few questions we had about how she came into writing and just how she got involved with the Overlord series.

    The Overlord series is fairly unique in the gaming world, allowing and in fact encouraging the player to be evil. How did you go about making a story based on evil but still keep it light-hearted and satirical?

    I think it’s actually pretty easy to make evil fun, simply because you’re seeing the world from an unusual perspective, so there’s lots of scope for satire and parody. You’re hardly short of things to poke fun at! We made sure that the humour was layered throughout the game – from the gameplay and animation, right through the script and voice acting. So I think that made the comedy much stronger. The whole team was very much on the same page with the tone, and you can tell we had a tremendous amount of fun making the game.

    A huge thanks to Rhianna for taking the time out of her exceedingly busy schedule to answer our questions. Click here to check out the interview as a whole, and be sure to stop by as well to learn a little more about her and what she's done.

    Topics: Interviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360), Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii), Overlord: Minions (Nintendo DS)
    Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    New Poll: Have You Re-Played Overlord 2?


    It's been quite some time since Overlord 2 has been released, more than enough time for one to have played through the game more than once. But did you? Our latest poll asks whether you've beaten and gone back to play Overlord II again, beaten it and put the game on a dusty shelf, or haven't beaten it at all.

    The results of our last poll, What are your impressions of Overlord II?, came back intensely positive, far more than reviews of many of the big-name sites out there on the net. The results are as follows:

    What are your impressions of Overlord II?
    It's awesome! - 1330
    It's alright - 289
    It could be better - 169
    I didn't buy it - 72
    It sucks - 38

    So let the opinion machine keep rolling, cast your vote on the right hand side of the site (just under the Top Contributors section) or by clicking here.

    Topics: Site Stuff
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)

    Steam Client Update Released


    For those of you who purchased Overlord II via Steam (and thus need Steam to run the game), an update has been released for the client. The changes are as follows:

    Steam Client
  • Made connections to misbehaving content servers timeout and retry a new server correctly
  • Fixed the client sometimes forgetting a game exists after a content update on Steam
  • Fixed several rare crashes and memory corruption bugs
  • Workaround for a Firefox 3.5 bug where they activate random windows after minimizing which would confuse the state of some Steam windows
  • Fixed internet tab in the in-Steam ServerBrowser not updating sorting as more servers are refreshed
  • Fixed the first time launch "Installing ..." dialog which is shown while installing things like DirectX for a game taking too much CPU and making the install take a long time
  • Fixed the sorting of the games list to be case insensitive and fix the mini-games list to use the same sorting method as the full games list
  • Fixed Change User menu option not logging you out correctly
  • Fixed one case of downloads getting stuck
  • Fixed a potential crash in D3D8 games switching between windowed and full screen caused by the in-game overlay
  • Fixed unnecessary minidump when in offline mode
  • Fixed overlay bug where opening the overlay from an in-game menu (ie, Invite Friends in a L4D lobby) could result in the overlay opening and closing immediately if you had previously used the "Close" button in the overlay itself
  • The update can be applied by clicking the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates..."

    Topics: Announcements
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC)
    Sunday, August 2, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Rhianna Pratchett on Overlord Writing


    Joystiq recently caught up with Overscribe Rhianna Pratchett, quizzing her on her recent work penning Overlord II, as well as Minions and Dark Legend.
    Did you have any difficulties writing for three different platforms? What are the differences and limitations of writing for one platform over another?

    It was mainly a question of age ratings. I'm sorry it's not more of an exciting answer. The Wii and DS, Dark Legend and Minions, were aiming for a lower rating than Overlord II, so there were certain things that I couldn't talk about in the scripts -- mainly to do with excessive violence and debauchery. You know, all the really fun stuff.

    You can certainly get away with more by taking a comedic angle, but games ratings are actually pretty stringent. I don't think it impacted too much on the Overlord feel, although it was a shame to lose things like drunken minions and mistresses. Okay, in Dark Legend the lead character is only 16, so a harem might have been rather wishful thinking.

    There was a definite need for economy of language when it came to the DS, which was a little more restrictive. Condensing a loquacious character like Gnarl was quite a challenge. Other than that it was really just trying to capture the right Overlord tone.
    Topics: Interviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360), Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii), Overlord: Minions (Nintendo DS)
    Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Overlord II "Battle Rock Nemesis" DLC Out Now!

    - 7 Comments confirms the availability of the new "Battle Rock Nemesis" downloadable content for Overlord II on the PS3 (£3.19) and Xbox 360 (400 moon points). An announcement is coming soon to clarify when PC gamers will be able to get their hands on the new content.
    Battle Rock Nemesis installs the imposing Battle Rock arena in the Netherworld which plays host to a series of new combat challenges. Gamers harvest life force as they wreak havoc upon Nordburg Hunters and Gnomes in practice rounds and then take on fearsome foes, including the Satyr, the Empire’s Champion, and the fabled Phoenix in a series of boss battles.

    Defeat the bosses to unlock new rewards including more powerful spells and in-game items for the Overlord and his Minions. On Xbox 360, these boss battles are also worth an additional 100 gamerscore points and the associated Achievements.
    Topics: Announcements
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)
    Thursday, July 23, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Dean Scott Interview @


    If you're a DS fan, then chances are you've visited at least once for your DSing needs. The folks at PocketGamer have gotten a chance to sit down with Overlord: Minions (DS) associate producer Dead Scott about why Minions came out as it did.

    PocketGamer: Why did you decide to go for 3D graphics as opposed to 2D/isometrics?

    Dean Scott: Hah. There's a story in that. We'd originally planned to go down that route - well, sprites on a 3D backdrop. Then we specced out all things we needed the minions to do, and there's a lot.

    And there's four of them. And they need to be doing it eight directions. And then there's all the enemies.

    We sat down with the calculator, and figured we'd need something in the region of 54,000 different hand-drawn frames. And then we did a little poo in our pants.

    So if you'd like to learn a little more about Minions, then click here and enjoy!

    Topics: Interviews
    Related Games: Overlord: Minions (Nintendo DS)
    Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    More Overlord II Reviews

    CNET Australia is the latest site to get in on the Overlord II reviewing action.
    Despite its annoying foibles, the entire Overlord II package adds up to a fun game that is hampered by some real issues (in the same way that the game's sound is, for the most part, solid). If you can get past the wonky camera and are content to micromanage your minions, as well as the targeting system, then Overlord II is an ideal way to spend some of your spare time if you want to be a little evil. After all, you'd probably get arrested if you try to club a baby seal in real life.

    Topics: Elsewhere on the Web, Reviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)
    Monday, July 20, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    More Overlord Game Reviews...

    Two more Overlord series reviews for you today. First up is with a score of 7.5 for Overlord II:
    The first game was fun; the second is about the same. It’s not going to win any GotY awards nor is it going to win any kind of awards for innovation and action either. It is a good game but could have been so much better with an expanded mp component and some thought in the actual story/character writing. It all comes off a little too ‘edgy’ at times and rather than making us laugh, it made us want to skip the scenes. The problems that were there in Overlord haven’t really been fixed for 2 and that’s one of the greatest crimes against this game. If it was fixed it would probably be an awesome title.
    Next up is the Sudbury Star with a recommendation to buy for all the new Overlord games:
    Overall, there’s lot of Overlord goodness – or badness – to go around. The gameplay is accessible on the console versions and the DS title brings a fresh perspective to the franchise. So, grab your controller of choice, put your feet up on the table (yes, even while wearing shoes … embrace the darkness within) and just enjoy the silly, twisted fun that Overlord has to offer.
    Topics: Reviews
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360), Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii), Overlord: Minions (Nintendo DS)
    Friday, July 17, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Overlord: Dark Legend Reviewed

    We've just posted our review of Overlord: Dark Legend, the Wii-based title release alongside Overlord II and Overlord: Minions. What did we think? Clicky here to find out!
    Across the sprawling game world you’ll encounter the likes of Little Red Riding Hood, gingerbread men and even the Tooth Fairy, each portrayed in Overlord’s irreverently tongue-in-cheek style by series writer Rhianna Pratchett. As with Overlords one and two, the game’s style is one of its most charming facets. The world is populated by the same healthy mix of effeminate Elves, obnoxious Halflings and gibbering peasants we’re used to from previous titles, and the game’s minions come scampering back to you with familiar glee when they come across treasure or potions. The character and charm of the Overlord series is alive and well in Dark Legend, and is portrayed well through the game’s solid writing and voice work.
    Read the rest over here!

    Topics: Reviews, Site Stuff
    Related Games: Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii)
    Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - Planet Overlord News

    Enter Caption Comp to Win Minions!

    The Destructoid guys are running a neat caption competition with the grand prize of a copy of Overlord II and your very own minion figurine. Just take a look at their Overlord II screenshot and try to come up with the best caption!

    Head over here to find out more.

    Topics: Fun Stuff, Elsewhere on the Web
    Related Games: Overlord II (PC), Overlord II (PlayStation 3), Overlord II (Xbox 360)

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