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Job Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities

What you need to know...

Persons with disabilities may apply for jobs filled either competitively (where qualified individuals compete with one another through a structured process), noncompetitively (where a qualified individual may be selected based on a special appointing authority), or through an excepted appointing authority for people with disabilities (i.e. schedule A).  People who are selected for a Federal job must meet the qualification requirements for the job and be able to perform the essential duties of the jobs with or without reasonable accommodation.

  • Competitively: Jobs that are filled competitively are advertised through this site. Search for jobs that interest you and for which you qualify and follow the instructions on how to apply.
  • Non-Competitively: There are a number of special appointing authorities that agencies may utilize to fill jobs, including a special appointing authority to hire 30 percent or more disabled veterans. For more information on this and other veterans hiring authorities, visit
  • Through Schedule A: People with Mental Retardation, Severe Physical Disabilities, or Psychiatric Disabilities who have documentation from a licensed medical professional or other entity may apply for noncompetitive appointment through the Schedule A (5 CFR 213.3102(u)) hiring authority. Applicants with documentation may apply directly to agencies' Selective Placement Program Coordinators (SPPC) or equivalent to receive placement assistance.  Simply send a resume plus the proof of your disability and job certification documentation to the agency's SPPC or equivalent. A Sample Certification Letter can be downloaded for your provider's use.

NOTE: Indicate "5 CFR 213.3102(u)" on your resume or state you are a person with a disability eligible for a Schedule A appointment when applying for Federal positions on USAJOBS or through an agency's SPPC. A Sample Cover Letter is provided for your use.

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