Last updated: March 08, 2011

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Inflation could have been 'tipping point' for millions without savings

bizmoney stock piggy bank 20101109

Due to a lack of savings, up to 3.7 million Australians won't be able to cope if the cost of living rises, a survey shows / File Source: Supplied

DUE to a lack of savings, up to 3.7 million Australians won't be able to cope if the cost of living rises, a survey shows.

And they are already struggling to make ends meet and have little to no savings, according to the Suncorp Life Confidence Index.

They believe their household budget will not allow for any increases in living expenses.

The index measures the ability to cope with job losses and rises in costs of housing, petrol, electricity and essential living expenses.

Suncorp Life chief financial officer John O'Farrell said the numbers were concerning.

"With the cost of fruit and vegetables expected to rise, today's inflation figures could be the tipping point for millions of Australians," Mr O'Farrell said yesterday.

Australia's inflation rate slowed to 0.4 per cent in the December quarter , for an annual rate of 2.7 per cent, said the ABS yesterday.

Economists' forecasts for the headline consumer price index (CPI) had centred on a rise of 0.7 per cent in the quarter, for an annual pace of 3 per cent.

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  • Baby Boomer of Adelaide Posted at 7:10 AM March 02, 2011

    Australia Governments have tried for ages to try enforce employed workers to contribute to superannuation while working. The problem is obvious. You need a lifetime of continuous full time steady employment to amass enough super to be self funded by retirement age. After the baby boomers run out of money and spend their retirement savings there is the aged pension. This demographic (baby boomers) is a large voter base which will in turn force future governments to drastically increase aged pensions much quicker and higher in parallel who is left working will be left with higher taxes to pay for this.

  • Cameron of Brisbane Posted at 4:47 PM February 27, 2011

    Prices aren't going up... it's the value of your dollar going down!

  • The Original Stevo of SA - The Taxation State Posted at 2:05 PM February 25, 2011

    What inflation - all I see is the price of big screen TVs going down all the time.

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