Last updated: March 06, 2011

'I'll cut your head off' - Charlie Sheen allegedly threatens estraged wife

Charlie Sheen said Wednesday that after his two young sons were removed from his house overnight, he's "very calm and focused" but ready to fight to get them back. (March 2)

Charlie Sheen's estranged wife Brooke Mueller obtained a restraining order against the actor.

Check out this hilarious Charlie Sheen interview overlayed onto the cartoon Charlie Brown as shown on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen during a recent television interview. Source: Supplied

Charlie Sheen Brooke Mueller

Source: PerthNow

Charlie Sheen's bizarre rant

Source: AdelaideNow

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CHARLIE Sheen has vowed revenge after losing custody of his twins, as his estranged wife reveals she fears he is insane after threatening to behead her.

The troubled actor – whose soon-to-be ex-wife Brooke Mueller submitted a declaration to Los Angeles Superior Court requiring him to give up 23-month-old twins Bob and Max yesterday – branded his former spouse a "traitor" and slammed the court order as "retarded".

Speaking to gossip website, Charlie said: "Tiger blood will drip from my veins in my quest. Defeat is not an option. She is an absolute traitor and she must be banished. She will be living under a bridge, toothless and confused.

"It was just a cheap ploy by a cheap person … retarded, frickin' gibberish. It's Brooke up to her old predictable, transparent lunacy.

"You come into my house and take my children away … there's a storm coming – and it's me."

The 45-year-old star has also claimed he and his "goddesses" – live-in girlfriends Bree Olsen (real name Rachel Oberlin) and Natalie Kenly – banished Brooke from a tropical island in the Bahamas last week because they found cocaine in the bathroom of her resort.

Brooke alleged that on February 23, while vacationing in the Bahamas, Charlie went off on another threat-laden tirade, spat on her feet, punched her in the arm and threatened to stick a penknife, which he was holding at the time, in Brooke's eye.

She also claimed that Sheen took nearly 2-year-old sons Max and Bob from her home on Feb. 26 without permission, which is how they came to be staying in Sheen's goddess-infested home. When she attempted to retrieve them, she was again allegedly threatened - with death by beheading, no less - by Sheen.

According to Mueller, Sheen said to her, "I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom."

In her filing she states: "I am very concerned that (Sheen) is currently insane. I am in great fear that he will find me and attack me and I am in great fear for the children's safety while in his care."

She also claims that Sheen - who is currently fighting accusations his "Chaim Levine" comments to Chuck Lorre were the least bit anti-Semitic - once referred to his own lawyer in a text message as a "stooped Jew pig."

Ms Mueller was escorted by officers from the Los Angeles Police Department as she took the boys away from the house about 10pm local time yesterday.

Her lawyer provided paperwork alleging several "specific, descriptive threats" made by Sheen - and he was ordered to stay at least 100m away from Ms Mueller.

Judge Hank M. Goldberg ordered the boys be removed from Sheen's care and returned to Ms Mueller.

"I said, 'I love you', and I said, 'don't say good-bye. Say see you later'. Later is, as we believe, to be very soon," Sheen told NBC's Today Show in describing his parting from the two boys.

"At this moment on live television I don't know where my children are, but I am not panicking. This is not about emotion or ego," Sheen said. "This is about focus and getting in touch with what I have to do to complete the task of bringing these two beautiful young men back to the home that they deserve to be raised in."

Later he tweeted: "My sons' are fine... My path is now clear... Defeat is not an option..!"

Sheen set up his Twitter account @charliesheen yesterday and had racked up more than 600,000 followers by 9.30am local time.

Earlier, RadarOnline reported that Sheen - who has two daughters with former wife Denise Richards and an adult daughter from a previous relationship - was seeking sole custody of Bob and Max.

"There is more love, compassion, support, child care and everything else you could possibly want for a child in this lovely home," he told NBC. "It's not a house. It's a home."

The couple filed for divorce on November 1 following a widely reported violent altercation between the two during a Christmas holiday to Aspen, Colorado, in 2009. They wed in May 2008.

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  • Jack of Adelaide Posted at 11:19 PM March 03, 2011

    Saw one of his interviews on TV the other day. If he isnt insane (yet) he is well on his way. Very psycho in my opinion. Has definitely lost the plot.

  • Matt Posted at 10:03 PM March 03, 2011

    I love him, what a champ.

  • SW of NT Posted at 8:44 PM March 03, 2011

    Wait for another story in a couple of years if he lasts that long, with headlines of Charlie - broke & lost everything he ever had. He has the pasty complexion of an addict/alcoholic.

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