Last updated: February 27, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 21°C - 30°C . Fine. Sunny.

Cash-back commissions for cancer research

CASH-BACK commission fee company YourShare has partnered up with the Australian Cancer Research Foundation to help claw back trailing fees and commission payments for charity.

Dubbed "commissions for charity", the company will collect the fee payments from investment products, instead of them being paid to a broker or third party, and donate them to the cancer foundation.

Unbeknown to many people, most financial products pay a regular commission or trailing fee to the broker or organisation that first sold it to the investor.

However, at any time investors can nominate an alternative broker for those fees to be paid to.

YourShare is one of several cash-back commission companies that collect these payments and refund them back to the investor, in turn taking a fee for the service.

People who nominate YourShare as their alternative "broker" will now get the option to send part or all of their commission refund each year to the cancer research foundation, and in return they will receive a tax deductible donation receipt.

YourShare general manager Sally Farrow says someone with a retail superannuation fund, a managed fund, life and income protection insurance receives refunds of up to $1500 a year from hidden commission and trailing fees paid by these invesments.

The type of products that pay commissions include super funds, managed funds, master trusts, margin loans, wrap accounts, life and personal insurances, investment funds, pension funds and retiremend bonds.

ACRF chief executive David Brettell says one in three Australians are touched by some form of cancer and it caused more than 40,000 deaths in 2010.


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