Last updated: February 12, 2011

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Valued staff given presents for Christmas bonus


Adam Internet employees Samantha Crane and Andrew Burns have been given iPads as work rewards. Picture: Calum Robertson Source: AdelaideNow

BOSSES are giving presents instead of cash bonuses or pay rises to reward staff and retain skilled workers.

Gifts range from holidays to electronic gadgets such as iPads as employers tailor rewards to individuals to show they are valued members of their workforce. A non-financial reward now is believed to recognise higher achievement than a pay rise which is seen by employees as basic acknowledgement of good work.

International behavioural expert and business consultant Dr John Demartini said gifts tailored to individual interests had more meaning to the employee, which made them more motivated and productive.

He said those given at Christmas could motivate workers to start 2011 with enthusiasm.

Retailworld Resourcing chief executive John Caldwell said a non-financial motivator helped staff feel that their company valued them. "(Gifts) play critical roles in making employees feel that their company ... takes their well-being seriously and strives to create opportunities for career growth," he said.

Adam Internet managing director Scott Hicks rewarded exceptional staff with an iPad.

Call centre team leader Andrew Burns said he was "incredibly excited" about his iPad. "It really brought to the surface the people who went above and beyond. It was great for morale across the company," he said.

Escalation officer Samantha Crane said it felt good to be appreciated. "It's not only I who got the benefit of it but everyone else does as well, they see people recognised for what they do," she said.

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