Last updated: February 12, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 17°C - 25°C . Cloudy but fine.

Small business goes mobile

SMALL-BUSINESS owners are using mobile technologies to save money and increase efficiency, says Vodafone Australia.

The move away from fixed-line phones is also backed up by the Australian Communications and Media Authority's Communications Report 2009-10, tabled in Federal Parliament on Thursday.

The report shows the total number of mobile phone services both voice and data in operation in Australia jumped 7 per cent in 2009-10 to 25.99 million, up from 24.22 million.

 In contrast, the number of fixed-line services in operation dropped from 10.67 million in 2008-09 to 10.59 million in 2009-10, the report reveals.

Vodafone Hutchison Australia head of business markets Michael Cheshire said more SME owners were investing in mobile communications to improve productivity and efficiency.

"One of the other aspects is work-life balance," he said.

"Nowadays, in a less traditional business culture, adopting mobile technology has benefits in terms of where and when people can do their work."

The ACMA report also shows the growth in mobile services has been boosted by the numbers of mobile wireless broadband services, such as datacards, connected to computers.

In 2009-10, the use of these services rose 71 per cent to 3.46 million.

"Increasing investment in mobile and fixed communications infrastructure and innovation in handset and other wireless consumer technology is testimony to the evolution of digital communications in Australia," said ACMA chairman Chris Chapman.

 "New technologies are increasingly able to support voice, data and content services, complementing existing fixed networks."

Adelaide entrepreneur Simon Reynolds is a local business owner who has benefited from mobile communications technology. Mr Reynolds, who owns and operates nine The Yoghurt Shop outlets across Adelaide, said the majority of his work was conducted using his mobile.

"I'm on the phone a lot and it's great having a system and plan with Vodafone which allows me to talk without worrying what the bill is going to be," he said. With plans to franchise or establish licensing agreements, Mr Reynolds says the importance of mobile phone technology will be critical for efficiency and turnover.

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