Last updated: February 12, 2011

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Grinch website outs businesses that don't celebrate Christmas


Reverend Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, has drawn the ire of business owners in his area with his website / Picture: How The Grinch Stole Christmas movie

  • US pastor launches 'Grinch Alert' site
  • Firms that don't say "Merry Christmas" named
  • "Avoid bowing to political correctness" - pastor

HE'S making a list.

He's checking it twice. He's going to find out who's naughty or nice.

But no, I'm not referring to that aged, morbidly obese, red-clad housebreaker with the rum ball addiction.

Rather, I mean Reverend Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, who has recently been drawing the ire of business owners in his area with his website.

The site urges the public to name and shame - anonymously, of course - local businesses that don't openly celebrate Christmas, instead opting for the phrase "Happy Holidays", an attempt to be inclusive of the 9 per cent of Americans who don't celebrate the birth of Christ.

"(The site is) a fun way to say to businesses and organisations: 'You don't have to bow to political correctness. It's OK to say merry Christmas'," Mr Jeffress said on CNN.

I've got my doubts the establishments on his naughty list, which will be feeling the pinch of the loss of trade from the pastor's flock, will think it's anything approaching fun.

For them, Jeffress is the Grinch, and he's stolen their Christmas.

So, who made the naughty list? One blackguard has ratted out American Airlines as being anti-Christmas.
"Excessive use of 'holiday'," wrote the anonymous poster.

"No mention of Christmas. With a name like 'American Airlines', come on."

I smell flawed logic, there. I doubt many 'Americans' had heard of Jesus before about, oh, 1492.

Another of the places on the naughty list is a Mexican restaurant.

This is unfair for several reasons.

First of all, Christmas decorations would just look plain silly ensconced in a Tex-Mex-themed joint.

Second, the Mexicans were in Texas long before Christians and last, I doubt the restaurateur visits First Baptist every second of November banging on the door and insists Jeffress don a papier-mache skull and celebrate the Day of the Dead with him.

Don't get me wrong - saying a simple "Merry Christmas" is one of the greatest pleasures of this time of year.

I love that Christmas is the only time it's permissible to be fully merry - for birthdays, anniversaries and new year you're only allowed to say "happy."

My heart leaps a little when someone answers the phone with a hearty "Merry Christmas!"

Every time I hear it, I feel a little like Jimmy Stewart, finding redemption in the snow.

But force someone to say it using a name-and-shame website as a gun to their head, and you strip it of all meaning.

It's not like these Texan businesses are like Scrooge, bah-humbugging.

It strikes me they're just trying to be as inclusive as possible at a highly stressful time of year when we all have to pull together and be decent to each other, for once.

And isn't that the true spirit of Christmas, whatever name we call it?

Baz McAlister is a Brisbane writer and comedian.

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