Home > MX (Brisbane) 03:07 AEST | 23 February 2011
mX (Brisbane)
mX has tapped into a unique audience of young, time starved individuals who are increasingly difficult to reach using traditional media. As the only daily commuter newspaper in Australia, it has attracted a loyal readership that is still experiencing growth. After the phenomenal success of Melbourne and Sydney, and with Brisbane’s* recent launch, mX now offers a national reach of 752,000^ people daily.

mX provides advertisers with a captive audience. Readers love mX because it satisfies their information needs. As early adopters and information leaders, mX feeds their insatiable appetite by giving them a combination of breaking news and entertaining stories – giving them an afternoon pick me up.

The mX reader is primarily in the 18-39 year old demographic. They enjoy life and work hard to achieve their goals. In fact, 64% of mX readers are professionals, managers or white collar workers offering an attractive audience of affluent professionals.^

mX readers also enjoy active social lives. Whether they are out visiting pubs, restaurants, at the cinema, shopping or traveling, mX readers are constantly on the lookout for new experiences.
Research has indicated 72% of mX readers are "attracted to new ideas" and 60% "go for finer things in life" ^

mX readers are also savvy when it comes to technology. As part of the ‘idle thumbs’ generation, they are technophiles who keep up to date with technological advancement. 78% say technology makes their lives easier and 79% say their mobile phone lets them take more control of their lives and brings them security.

^Nielsen Media Research Panorama, NSW & VIC, (Jan 2008 - Dec 2008 Survey 10) * Brisbane based on Publishers Claim - unavailable in Panorama.

circulation (M-F avg)
cover price (M-F)
Readership (M-F avg)
Source: *Panorama National Survey (Apr09-Mar10, Survey 2) **CAB (Audit) March 2010

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Name: Jason Douthett
QLD Advertising Manager
Phone: 0736666671
Email: douthettj@mxnet.com.au
Address: 41 Campbell Street, Bowen Hills, GPO Box 130, Brisbane QLD 4001

Name: Tracey Kruske
Advertising Coordinator
Phone: 0736666674
Email: krusket@mxnet.com.au
Address: 41 Campbell Street, Bowen Hills, GPO Box 130, Brisbane QLD 4001

Name: Derek Siebenhausen
Account Manager
Phone: 0736666672
Email: siebenhausend@mxnet.com.au
Address: 41 Campbell Street, Bowen Hills, GPO Box 130, Brisbane QLD 4001

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