Home > Taste 03:56 AEST | 23 February 2011

Taste answers the question on everyone’s lips: what’s for dinner?

News Limited launched the new national section – Taste – across all News Limited metro mastheads in February, 2010.

In addition to the already established and popular http://www.taste.com.au/ website, Taste now appears in print every week. It is the new weekly destination for food-savvy consumers across Australia, combining great recipes with restaurant and wine reviews and expert knowledge from columnists including Tony Love, Valli Little and Matt Preston.

Taste in print answers readers’ kitchen questions, evaluates the hottest new restaurants, inspires, teaches and tempts them with the guiding philosophy of eat in, eat out, eat well.

For readers wanting more information, Taste encourages them to explore a database of 17,000 recipes online at http://www.taste.com.au/ and find out more about food.

Edited by Jana Frawley, the national food editor at News Limited, Taste serves up a comprehensive media dish to both advertisers and consumers.

The food in Taste, both online and in print, is achievable, accessible and not intimidating.

Taste has a team of experts with brilliant ideas for cooking at home, plus recommendations for when our readers are eating out.

Food advertisers will find a natural fit with Taste and we’re making it easier and more cost-effective for advertisers to talk to consumers on a national platform across print and online.

Audience  Profile
Taste delivers a weekly audience of 2.45 million grocery buyers, which is 61% larger than Woman’s Day, 13%% larger than Women’s Weekly, and more than double the grocery buyer audience of New Idea.*

Compared to Free to Air television, Taste in print delivers a weekly grocery buyer audience nearly double the reach of 2010’s highest rating dramas, episode 1 of ‘Underbelly: The Golden Mile’ and ‘Packed to the Rafters’.*

Taste’s core audience is women aged 30-59 who are not just ‘housewives’ but full time workers or white collar workers.*

• Female readership is consistent across all ages with the core group being 30 – 59
• On average taste readers spend 9.47mins with the sections and women spend 9.9 mins
• 60% of women 18+ read are loyal taste readers and read the section always/most times and this equates to 890,000 per week

Taste delivers a large grocery buyer audience:

• 90% of people that keep the section are Grocery Buyers (GB’s)
• 40% of GB’s keep the section - and are 5% more likely to do so than the other M-F readers
• 85% of Female GB’s read Taste
• 68% of Male GB’s read Taste
• GB’s are 11% more likely than the population of M-F readers to read Taste Always/Most times
• GB’s are 8% more likely to find Taste very/Extremely interesting/involving
• 29% of GB’s have visited taste online
• GB’s are 10% more likely to have gone online that other taste readers and FGB’s are 11% more likely

77% of readers are grocery buyers – with 35% of the total Taste audience being couples with kids at home, and the remainder being couples with no children or singles. *

Retention & Engagement
40% of women that read Taste keep the section in the Household to refer back to.
Average engagement time is 9.79 minutes reading the section.*

Over a quarter of Taste readers have also visited taste.com.au in the past 7 days.*

*News Limited Sections Readership Survey 2010.  

Taste Editorial Team:
Editor                       Jana Frawley
Deputy Editor           Simon Wilkinson
Food columnist         Matt Preston
Wine columnist         Tony Love
Food Writers            Zoe Skewes, Fiona Donnelly, Grant Jones, Elizabeth Meryment
Online Editor            Syrie Wongkaew


For advertising enquiries for Taste, please contact your Masthead advertising salesperson directly. Click on the appropriate link below.

The Daily Telegraph
Herald Sun
The Courier-Mail
The Advertiser
The Mercury
The Sunday Times

Click here to visit taste.com.au online


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