Home > Sunday Mail 14:49 AEST | 28 March 2011
Sunday Mail

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News Limited launches new national travel section

On Sunday 2nd August, News Limited is relaunched an expanded new national travel section titled Escape, appearing in metropolitan newspapers on a regular basis each Sunday and online at news.com.au and masthead websites.

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The Sunday Mail, Australia's highest reaching Sunday newspaper per capita, has recently been given a bold, fresh look. The innovations, which have come about after more than a year of research and work, are designed to take the Sunday Mail into a new era amid rapidly changing times and reaffirm the status of the Sunday Mail as a powerful, news-breaking newspaper that sets the agenda for South Australia every week across all its sections.

The new look is designed to give a better reading experience, starting with a new blue masthead and redesigned front page pointers. The size of the typeface is bigger and easier to read, the headline styles have been changed, and each page has been badged and made more attractive.

As always, the Sunday Mail will continue to reflect today's lifestyle and keep South Australians informed with breaking news, analysis, commentary, sport and lifestyle sections, as well as provide your favourite liftouts such as TV Guide, escape, Chill and body+soul.

As a credible, informative and relaxed read, the Sunday Mail appeals to a broad cross section of the community, while also catering to specific consumer interests editorially and through the array of features and supplements.

Sunday newspapers benefit from the relaxed weekend environment in which they are read. Roy Morgan Research has found that people spend an average of 56 minutes reading their Sunday newspaper compared to 39 minutes on weekdays.

cover price (Sun)
circulation (Sun)
readership (Sun)
Metro r'ship (Sun)
Regional r'ship (Sun)
Source: *Roy Morgan, Dec 2010; **ABC, three months to end Dec 2010

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Phone: (08) 8206 2277
Email: displayads@adv.newsltd.com.au
Address: 31 Waymouth St
Adelaide SA 5000
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Name: Luke Sullivan
Advertising Manager, The Advertiser & Sunday Mail
Phone: (08) 8206 2659
Email: sullivanl@adv.newsltd.com.au
Address: 31 Waymouth St
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 339
Adelaide SA 5001

Name: Phil Horwood
Marketing Information Services Manager
Phone: (08) 8206 2616
Email: horwoodp@adv.newsltd.com.au
Address: 31 Waymouth St
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 339
Adelaide SA 5001

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