Home > Stirling Times 01:21 AEST | 28 February 2011
Stirling Times

STIRLING TIMES is distributed each Tuesday to residents in the City of Stirling (as far east as Wanneroo Road).

The area is a blend of well established suburbs, dress circle estates, commercial/light industrial areas in Balcatta and Osborne Park and some of Perth’s most exclusive coastal properties.

There is significant new building activity including redevelopment/renovation and increasing levels of medium density dwellings. Scarcity of inner-suburban land has seen many older homes demolished to build new residences (owner occupied or investment properties).

Reflecting the diversity of dwelling and tenure types, household composition is also mixed with a third being lone person households (young singles, baby-boomers and seniors) while families with children and couples households (mainly pre-retirement) each account for around 25% of households. The area has a distinctly professional/white collar occupation profile.

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Source: CAB Audit 6 months to 30 Sep 2010; Roy Morgan Readership Survey 24 months to 30 Sep 2010

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Name: Greg Peach
Branch Manager
Phone: 08 92315200
Address: 169 Main Street
Osborne Park WA 6017

Name: Maryanne Susnjar
Agency and National Sales
Phone: 08 9237 1644
Address: 120 Roe Street
Northbridge WA 6003

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