Home > News Digital Media > news.com.au 20:02 AEST | 02 March 2011
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News. Told Differently. For a different audience.

News.com.au is Australia’s leading made-for-medium news and information website, reaching more than 2.4 million Australians a month across the country. Drawing on Australia’s biggest pool of journalists from across News Limited, news.com.au focuses on the “talking stories” and powers the conversations of our younger, affluent audience.

In an interactive and engaging way, we deliver our readers –

• The news they want
• The information they need
• The stories they’ll be talking about

In a number of key segments – for example, 20-40 Big Spenders and Grocery Buyers – news.com.au has both higher percentages and higher numbers than its competitors, ensuring better targeting and greater reach.

News.com.au gives advertisers the opportunity to talk to this quality audience in large numbers through our reach, or target them by environment via our “better for brand” channels – Travel, Entertainment, Business, Money & Technology.


Unique Browsers
Page Impressions
UB Frequency
Average Session Duration
Source: Nielsen Online MI Domestic January 10
Beyond the web browser

Keep your finger on the pulse with the daily newspulse featuring all the big stories at home and abroad, plus the best from the worlds of entertainment, sport and business.  Total 45,000 subscriptions.

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Our rich video half page advertisements (RMX) are highly engaging and gives advertisers the ability to target through keywords, sections and geographically. Advertisers can run multiple TVC’s through this ad placement allowing higher frequency and wider reach.
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Our users can access the latest news, sports, entertainment stories and more anywhere and at any time. m.news.com.au also gives users the ability to customise their m-site.
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Looking for inspiration
NDM brought the experience of Hong Kong to life on news.com.au/travel.
The aim of this campaign was to create awareness around the Kia Soul new product launch and drive traffic to the offical website.
Bespoke example of a successful interactive competition.
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