Home > Gardening Australia > Gardening Australia - Buyer Graphics 11:17 AEST | 11 March 2011
Gardening Australia - Buyer Graphics

Home & Garden

  • 82% of readers own or are paying off their home
  • 183,000 like to keep up to date with new ideas to improve their homes
  • 172,000 say they can’t relax until they know that the house is clean and tidy.
  • 83% have worked in the garden in the last 3 months
  • 308,000 have entertained friends or relatives at home.
  • Average monthly spend on furniture from those who have purchased is $791.62
  • Average monthly spend on electrical goods from those who have purchased is $575.54
  • 33% to have been to a home interiors store in the last 3 months and are 17% more likely to have purchased homewares in the last month.
  • Average monthly spend on hardware and gardening products from those who have purchased is $158.03
  • 174,000 have purchased plants and garden accessories in the last month.
  • 113,000 have purchased hardware products.


  • 62,000 intend to spend over $5,000 renovating or extending their homes in the next 12 months, while 65,000 have actually done so in the last 12 months.
  • 82% have been to a hardware store in the last 3 months.
  • 47% have used a power tool around their home in the last 12 months.
  • 22% have redecorated or refurbished their home in some way.
  • 71,000 intend to buy kitchen items while 112,000 intend to purchase home entertainment items.


  • 60% of Gardening Australia readers love to cook.
  • 43% like to entertain spontaneously.
  • 58% say that people often compliment them on their cooking.
  • 63% like to have traditional meals at home.
  • 77% are the main grocery buyer

Source: Roy Morgan Research June 2010

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