Home > Derwent Valley Gazette 19:15 AEST | 02 March 2011
Derwent Valley Gazette

The Gazette is the voice of the Derwent Valley and Central Highlands community, an area that is undergoing rapid expansion in its tourism, agriculture and timber industries. This fiesty, busy newspaper trumpets the virtues of its territory every week. Proudly, and unashamedly local, The Gazette is the first choice for news and information on local events for residents and visitors to the Derwent Valley. It has strong readership and refl ects the new confidence abounding the valley.

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Every Wednesday
Source: *ABC Audit June 2010

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Name: Maree Campbell
Derwent Valley Gazette Advertising Sales Consultant
Phone: (03) 62612 133
Email: campbellm@dbl.newsltd.com.au
Address: 31 Burnett st, New Norfolk, Tasmania

Name: Kylie Gorst
NSW Sales Manager
Phone: 02 9288 8442
Email: gorstk@newsltd.com.au
Address: Level 4, 2 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010

Name: Jo Whale
Senior Account Manager
Phone: 02 9288 8451
Email: whalej@newsltd.com.au
Address: Level 4, 2 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010

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