Home > News Digital Media > dailytelegraph.com.au 20:24 AEST | 02 March 2011
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News Limited is rolling out a National network of iPad applications for our major metropolitan newspapers.

> Find out more about the The Daily Telegraph iPad app


‘Driving the agenda for NSW’

Dailytelegraph.com.au is the website driving the news agenda for NSW. Whether that's breaking news and sports, Sydney entertainment and gossip or the latest Sydney property information, dailytelegraph.com.au provides its local audience with content that really matters to them.

Dailytelegraph.com.au prides itself on being the hub for NSW’s conversation, providing a platform where users are are able to interact with each other and The Daily Telegraph’s bloggers, including the always engaging Tim Blair, opposition leader Tony Abbott, along with the numerous celebrities which grace its pages.


• Keeps users up to date with local news , sport and entertainment
• Doesn’t mind having a bit of fun, but is still capable of delivering serious news
• Values users opinions and allows them to feed back
• Continuously updates coverage 24/7
• Ensures content is relevant to the people of NSW

The dailytelegraph.com.au provides an enormous amount of reach, into a primarily NSW based audience, presenting advertisers with the opportunity to utilise this platform for both national and NSW state based campaigns.

Additional benefits to advertisers;

• Leverage the heritage of The Daily Telegraph
• Approach users in a localised environment where they are engaging with content which directly affects their their everyday life.

Unique Browsers
Page Impressions
UB Frequency
Average Session Duration
Source: Nielsen Online MI Domestic January 10
Beyond the web browser

The Daily Telegraph e-newsletter provides a weekday snapshot of News South Wales, National and World breaking news, sports and entertainment.  Total subscribers 33,000.

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Our rich video half page advertisements (RMX) are highly engaging and gives advertisers the ability to target through keywords, sections and geographically. Advertisers can run multiple TVC’s through this ad placement allowing higher frequency and wider reach.
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Looking for inspiration
NDM brought the experience of Hong Kong to life on news.com.au/travel.
This campaign aimed to drive awareness of Audi Q5 launch.
Bespoke example of a successful interactive competition.
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