Last updated: March 10, 2011

Weather: Perth 20°C - 32°C . Mostly sunny.

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Tough turtles adapting to dry spell

Oblong turtle

PEOPLE should think twice before helping turtles that appear distressed in dried-out lakes.

NZ fur seals arrive in record numbers

New Zealand fur seal

NEW Zealand fur seals are flocking to WA's coastline in record numbers, a major South-West survey reveals.

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Hawaiian volcano blows its top

Hawaii Volcano Eruption

A NEW vent has opened at one of the world's most active volcanoes, sending lava shooting up to 20 metres high.

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'Asian honey bee is the new cane toad'

Asian honey bee

 natiTHE Asian honey bee is the 21st century's cane toad and the federal government should eradicate it before it threatens Australia's food supply, the Australian Greens say.

Prime Minister stays mum on petrol tax

carbon tax

UPDATE: THE PM refuses to say if petrol will be hit by a carbon tax, while Tony Abbott signals he could roll it back if elected to office.

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Yes, I vowed no carbon tax - Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard

JULIA Gillard has admitted she promised there would be no carbon tax during the election and said circumstances had changed.

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Ningaloo whale sharks on camera

whale shark

RESEARCHERS are spying on the secret lives of whale sharks to discover what they get up to when humans aren't around.

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Whale sharks arrive early at Ningaloo

First whale shark for 2011

WHALE sharks have arrived early off WA's coast this year, with one sighted near Exmouth last week.

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Mobiles boost brain activity

mobile phones

RESEARCHERS have found a connection between mobile phone use and increased brain activity, but they do not yet know the health implications, if any

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Denying toads water may stop hop

Cane toad

PREVENTING cane toads from getting a refreshing drink of water may stop their relentless hop across the arid regions of northern Western Australia.

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Outrage as Fremantle lead ban lifted


CONTROVERSIAL lead company Magellan Metals has been given the go-ahead to resume lead shipments through Fremantle.

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Maritime Union to shut down sheep ship


THE international maritime union will head into court in Fremantle this afternoon to try to prevent the departure of a live sheep carrier.

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Birds die as lakes turn toxic

dead duck

AT least 27 native birds have died and 12 have been sent to animal rehabilitation centres after a suspected outbreak of botulism at two Cockburn lakes.

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'Fracking' threatens WA water resources

Coal seam gas

GROUNDWATER resources in the South-West, Mid-West and Kimberley are at risk of being polluted with a cocktail of chemicals from "fracking", green groups warn.

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The science behind the Christchurch earthquake


HOW bad is a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, what made this one so damaging and why is New Zealand's south island so geologically active? PerthNow asks the science experts.

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Caltex backs carbon price, with exclusions


CALTEX Australia says it wants private and light commercial vehicles excluded from any carbon pricing scheme, in addition to safeguards for trade exposed industries.

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New WA desert plants discovered

Dicrastylis sp. Ilkurlka

SCIENTISTS have discovered two new species of desert shrub plant, 150km west of the WA/ South Australian border in the Great Victoria Desert.

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Seafood jeopardy over mercury levels

MARINE life off metropolitan Perth is contaminated with almost three times more mercury than in other parts of WA, an environmental study has found.

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Cold response to toad whacking day

Cane Toads

BASHING cane toads to death with a golf club is the preferred option for 60 per cent of those polled in a Queensland newspaper, and the RSPCA is not amused.

Lift uranium mining bans nationwide - AWU


AUSTRALIA'S biggest blue-collar union has called on the nation to overturn existing bans on uranium mining.

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Chevron slugged $9bn for Amazon spill


AN ECUADOREAN court has ordered Chevron to pay more than $US9.5 billion in damages for oil pollution that allegedly took place in the country's Amazon region.

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Alcoa faces fresh probe

alcoa dust trial

AUTHORITIES are once again investigating mining giant Alcoa for allegedly allowing toxic dust to blow from its waste stockpiles in Wagerup over neighbouring suburbs, 130km south of Perth.

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Popular Hamelin Bay stingray killed

pn stumpy stingray

A STINGRAY that became a much-loved tourist attraction in Hamelin Bay was speared and hacked to pieces in front of distressed children.

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Flood hits Nungarin, alert for Carnarvon

pn carnarvon floods

FLASH flooding has inundated more than 10 homes at Nungarin, a tiny town in WA's Wheatbelt, 270km east of Perth.

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Bushfire catches roo on the hop

burnt roo

CHLOE may have to hobble instead of hop, but this old kangaroo is one of the lucky ones after fire took its toll on Perth's wildlife this week.

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Wheatbelt shire runs out of water


THE Wheatbelt shire of Kent, about 320km south-east of Perth has run out of water.

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Flash floods hit rural WA community

warburton flash floods

HEAVY thunderstorms which dumped 83mm on the remote Warburton community have caused flash floods and isolated the Outback settlement.

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Wheat farmers face even drier soil


THE impact of searing heat and record low rainfall has been brought to life in a satellite imaging map showing the full extent of the crisis gripping WA.

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Collie's Wing House a REAL winner

SW Wing house

THE mining town of Collie in the State's South-West is home to a new type of housing specifically designed to respond to South-West climatic conditions.

Nuclear to power low emission economy

Nuclear Power

NUCLEAR power is a possible source of energy as the nation prepares to become a low-carbon emission economy, a Labor senator has told parliament.

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Corella cull shot down


BAYSWATER City council has opposed the shooting of corellas at Maylands Foreshore Reserve.

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Sheep ditched at border crossing

Sheep left at border

SHEEP are being left to die on the side of the road as heartless truck drivers abandon injured animals at the WA-South Australia border.

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Residents "gutted" at Alcoa win

Brockovich Alcoa suit closer

SOUTH-WEST residents are "gutted'' that a massive lawsuit - led by health crusader Erin Brockovich - against mining giant Alcoa has been thrown out of court.

Conservationists slam PTTEP ruling

Montara oil spill

A DECISION to allow a Thai company behind Australia's worst oil spill to continue operating locally sends the wrong signal, environmentalists say.

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PTTEP 'rigorously' monitored - Ferguson

pn montara

A THAI government-owned company behind Australia's worst oil spill has been given the go-ahead to continue local operations.

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Cane toad discovered in Collie

Cane toad

AUTHORITIES are hunting for cane toads in Collie after one of the poisonous pests was discovered at a mining camp, 200km south of Perth, on Monday.

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Police in talks to shoot cockatoos

swan river photo comp

POLICE officers are in talks with environmental officials to shoot hundreds of corellas along the river in Maylands.

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Hot seas bleach Ningaloo Reef

Ningaloo Reef

ABNORMALLY hot sea temperatures at Ningaloo Reef are bleaching the area's coral, environmental officers say.

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'Cruel' proposal starves calves


A PROPOSAL to let days-old calves headed for slaughter go unfed for up to 30 hours is cruel and unnecessary, the RSPCA says.

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Alcoa under investigation again

Alcoa dust storm

MINING giant Alcoa is again under investigation for allegedly failing to stop toxic dust escaping from its Wagerup waste stockpiles.

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