Last updated: March 08, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 22°C - 24°C . Rain periods, easing later.

iPad World

'Holy crap! The whole tower's down'

9/11 attack

WATCH: Chilling new video has emerged from a police helicopter in the sky above New York on the day of the 9/11 attacks.

Obama handballs, voters boot

Obama, Julia

AS Julia Gillard and Barack Obama kicked a footy around the Oval Office and ribbed each other about Aussie and US icons, back home voters put the boot in.

41 comments on this story

NASA sceptical of life in meteorite claim

NASA says no evidence to support claim that fossils of alien microbes born in space had been found in meteorites on Earth.

British commandos kicked out


A JOINT SAS-MI6 team was kicked out of Libya yesterday after their mission to link up with rebels fighting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi turned to farce.

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Toilet humour a relief for quake victims

Toilet thumbnail

QUAKE-ravaged Christchurch residents are finding relief from their grim predicament with some good old-fashioned toilet humour.

Man knocks woman into coma over parking spot

JURY votes to indict Oscar Fuller on felony assault charges for a kerb-rage incident that left a young woman in a coma.

Gas station explosion kills 13

GAS station explosion in Pakistan's central Punjab province kills 13 people and injures 35 others.

Gaddafi says West trying to split Libya


MUAMMAR Gaddafi's regime accused the West of "a conspiracy to divide Libya" as Washington, under mounting pressure to help opposition forces, said it was premature to arm the rebels.

Firefighters punished for drunken joyride

VOLUNTEER firefighter was charged with drink driving and use of a vehicle after a drunken joyride in an engine.

Massacre suspect to face mental exam

PROSECUTORS ask judge to commit suspect in shooting rampage in Tucson to a federal facility where he can be evaluated.

Teen swallows fake tongue ring, nearly dies

GIRL, 13, swallow magnetic ball bearings that have become popular with teens to make it look like they have a tongue piercing.

Police chief, 20, flees - then gets fired

Marisol Valles

COLLEGE student who was charged with policing violent Mexican border town abandons her post for asylum in the US.

Police arrest classmate in murder of girl

A CLASSMATE and possible ex-boyfriend of Micaela "Mickey" Costanzo was arrested today in connection with her murder.

Young female police chief by default fired

Marisol Valles

COLLEGE student and mother who was police chief in violent Mexican border town fired for abandoning her post and fleeing to the US.


Life returns to Bool Lagoon


Nourising rains have restored Bool Lagoon to its brilliant glory.

Adelaide Zoo Enrichment Day

Enrichment Day

Animals enjoyed food treats and more at Adelaide Zoo's Enrichment Day on Saturday.

At the Geneva Motor Show


From the most fuel efficient to those that meet the most ostentatious tastes, the world's latest cars will be display at the 81st Geneva Mot...

Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer Awards

Veolia wildlife

Shots from the Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer Awards