Home > Escape 03:55 AEST | 23 February 2011

Escape is about inspiring readers and helping make travel dreams a reality. It is about understanding reader wants and needs – and then delivering them the information they need to make the journey as easy, and memorable, as possible.

Escape relaunched on 23 January, 2011 as a stitched and trimmed magazine, as part of The Sunday Telegraph's redevelopment. The new look and extended content will drive greater retention as a readers get a more premium feel from the product. We want to offer our readers more Escapism and more value than ever before, to reinforce our position as Australia's no.1 Sunday newspaper!

Editorial changes include:
- The redesign or regular sections Deals and Go 2
- Doc Holiday has gone online and includes exclusive content, extra questions, more tips and a weekly blog.
- On alternate weeks Suite Life will become Park Life column which reviews camping sites and caravan parks.
- Readers Guide goes to a Where in the World competition that asks readers to identify locations.

Advertising opportunities:
- The new stitched and trimmed format encourages readers to retain the section for longer.
- The new design provides a premium product to showcase stories, images and advertising.
- Ads can now bleed to the edge of the page, adding to the magazine feel.
- The new prime location of Inside Front Cover Full Page offers advertisers a maximum impact opportunity.
- The Directory Pages now includes designated sections for domestic and international holidays.

Escape is edited by Brian Crisp, who heads up a team of writers and travel experts across Australia, addressing more than just destination-based travel. Regular sections include favourite travel spots from international celebrities, plus contributions from well-known writers and journalists.

The section explores travel trends, is deals oriented and includes an expansion of the brand, with a significant online component.

The printed section runs across all News Ltd Sunday Mastheads, The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), Sunday Herald Sun (VIC), The Sunday Mail (QLD), The Sunday Mail (SA), The Sunday Times (WA), and The Sunday Tasmanian (TAS), with additional content available online at escape.com.au.

Escape delivers a rich, compelling and powerful connection for advertisers easily via a single platform or complementary multi-platform offer. Advertisers will be able to capitalise on our evolving multiplatform audience for Escape.

In a relaxed weekend environment, readers of Sunday newspapers will be introduced and inspired to travel with different options and driven to the complementary website for the best travel deals on offer.

The Escape audience is highly engaged, implicitly trusting and will act after reading:       

  • The content consumers see in newspapers and online is more respected than content in all other main media.*
  • Readers spend 51 minutes with News Limited Sunday titles – and concentrate when consuming the medium.+ 
  • 63% of News Limited Sunday readers have visited an advertisers’ website to look for a product or service as a result of seeing newspaper advertising.+ 
  • Escape has a 12-month calendar of themed promotional opportunities for advertisers to integrate their brands and products.  Click here for some examples of the promotional opportunities available to advertisers.

Escape Editorial Team:
Editor                                 Brian Crisp
Deputy Editor                      Peter Holmes
National travel writer            Angela Saurine
Online Editor                       Lee Taylor


For Escape advertising rates in each state, please refer to the rates sections for each of the mastheads listed below. Click here for Escape national rates position. 

*Newspapers Today - Celcius Research July 07
+Reader Relationship - TNS 2007 

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