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February 24, 2011
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Chief Economist, the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
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Tuesday February 22, 2011

Intro - Jon Has the Bubons Again

Jon wants everyone with children at home to buy an autoclave. (01:07)
Views: 115,205
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Mother F#@kers

House Republicans want to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, which is apparently in the abortion business for profit. (03:46)
Views: 136,320
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Mother F#@kers - Stork Bucks

Kristen Schaal wants to cut funding for any organization that has anything to do with abortions, including firefighters, the FAA and NASA. (04:50)
Views: 104,850
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Wisconsin Budget Protests

A Wisconsin protestor makes John Oliver wonder if it's possible to lose sympathy for such an objectively sympathetic cause. (04:12)
Views: 61,616
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper finds it weird that he caused drama in the world of journalism by calling Hosni Mubarak a liar. (06:03)
Views: 127,328
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Moment of Zen - Contraception for Wild Horses

Anti-family planning Representative Dan Burton introduces a spending amendment that promotes the use of contraception for wild horses. (00:41)
Views: 34,036
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Daily Show: 2/22/11 in :60 Seconds

Planned Parenthood makes money on concessions, John Oliver covers the Wisconsin protests, and Anderson Cooper talks about war stuff. (01:03)
Views: 24,672

The Daily Show Collections

Best Labor Union Moments
A look back at The Daily Shows coverage of the American worker.
A Tribute to Puppet Michael Steele
Lesbian bondage theme clubs, infamous gaffes and Jedi bulls**t. See what the fuzzy blue version of former RNC Chairman Michael Steele has to say for himself.
Best Toy Moments
It's a good time to step back, take a moment and remember the true meaning of the season... toys!
Best Don't Ask, Don't Tell Moments
With the U.S. Senate set to vote on the future of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law, the time seems right to let this collection of Daily Show clips out of the closet.

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