07 Pokemon Black & White (J) Girl Playthrough Part 7: Raimon City Gym Battle vs Kamitsure
07 Pokemon Black & White (J) Girl Playthrough Part 7: Raimon City Gym Battle vs Kamitsure --- An Electric Type Gym! A ground type is your friend here or rock/ground. I decided to use Dangoro / Gantoru and The Kremling known as Meguroko. Frequently Asked Questions people are asking tend to be the following three, please read here before commenting, be a little more literate people!!: FAQ FAQS Q. Where did you find those pictures? A. Safebooru.org Gelbooru.com, and deviantart.com Q. What do you use to record / how do you record? A. I downloaded the lossless codec 1.4 from the internet and in the emulator itself, I select from the file menu [Record Avi] and select the lossless codec and create a file, I go back into file menu and cease recording to complete the file. Q. How did you get the emulator 0.9.5 or 0.9.6 to run so smoothly at normal speed? A. I didn't, it still lags but I'm recording avi from the menu, it captures every frame and creates a normal looking speed file. Main Team used in gym: Dangoro (ダンゴロ) to Gantoru (メグロコ) - jAnus (Janus from Chrono Trigger & ..sphincter XP) Sturdy Meguroko (メグロコ) - KRool (Named after the boss from Donkey Kong Country, King K. Rool) Intimidate I think... The Gym Leader Kamitsure: (Japanese: カミツレ Kamitsure) is the Gym Leader of Raimon City's Gym, known officially as the Raimon Gym. She specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. Her pokemon are: Emonga♂ Lv.25, Emonga♀ Lv.25, Zebraika♂ Lv.27. After Kamitsure is defeated <b>...</b>