Last updated: March 08, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 22°C - 24°C . Rain periods, easing later.

iPad Opinion


Editorial: Emergencies can't wait

PEOPLE have a right to expect quick and capable care when they call for an ambulance in an emergency situation.

Breath of air for inner suburbs

THE long-term plan to revitalise Adelaide's inner suburbs is a breath of fresh air.

Editorial: Clear up climate change

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard leaves today for important discussions with US President Barack Obama.

Editorial: Consider rights of all

THERE is little argument South Australia's court system has long required a tougher approach to the sentencing of dangerous criminals.

Editorial: Same-sex union debate

THE political community is again in a state of excitement over the prospect of so-called same-sex unions, or as it is more often shorthanded, "gay marriage".

11 comments on this story

Editorial: Lift teacher job security

HUMAN nature dictates that workplaces are often averse to change.

Editorial: Dry zone is safest

THOSE opposed to Adelaide's dry zone would need to mount an extremely convincing argument before any reversal were contemplated.

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Editorial: Justice seen to be done

TRANSPARENCY of the courts is critical to the health of a fully functional democracy.

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Editorial: Overhaul fines system

YOU know it is high time to overhaul the fines system when it has reached the point where there are some 500,000 outstanding fines worth some $200 million.

Editorial: Hard sell on carbon tax

ONE can never fully escape one's history. Prime Minister Julia Gillard is finding this out again as she promotes her new climate change policy.

Editorial: Toxic price of ignorance

IT IS simply not acceptable that dangerous chemicals can be detected on a site being considered for housing and retail and the public is not informed for four years.

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Editorial: Share the mining boom

THE Australian economy is entering a phase where the mining boom will either set us up for decades of prosperity or alternatively for a bust when world demand cools.

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AN Columnists Promo


Jos Valdman - The Advertiser

Jos Valdman

VALDMAN is the cartoonist for The Advertiser and AdelaideNow. He is fascinated by politicians and other zoo animals – especially Fandango the flamingo. 

Peter MacMullin - The Sunday Mail

Peter MacMullin

SUNDAY Mail artist MacMullin swears to abide by the cartoonists' charter of being forever frivolous and loosely accurate.


Andrew Bolt

andrew bolt

ANDREW Bolt is one of Australia's most successful and provocative bloggers. Love him or hate him, you just can't ignore him.

Andrew Fenton's Turkey Shoot

Andrew Fenton - new thumb

FILM writer Andrew Fenton takes aim at movies and pop culture in a blog named after the timeless Australian B-grade movie Turkey Shoot.

Samela Harris

Samela Harris

EXPLORE features writer Sa Harris's quirky and unique take on life in Adelaide, and the weighty issues of the world.

Guest bloggers

Man in silhouette

ADELAIDENOW frequently hosts guest bloggers – from household names to members of the public. Keep an eye out for some surprises!

News Photos
Story Tips


Life returns to Bool Lagoon


Nourising rains have restored Bool Lagoon to its brilliant glory.

Adelaide Zoo Enrichment Day

Enrichment Day

Animals enjoyed food treats and more at Adelaide Zoo's Enrichment Day on Saturday.

At the Geneva Motor Show


From the most fuel efficient to those that meet the most ostentatious tastes, the world's latest cars will be display at the 81st Geneva Mot...

Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer Awards

Veolia wildlife

Shots from the Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer Awards