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Insight into Online Shopping

It’s official online shopping has become a way of life for Australians with new research showing 85 per cent of Australian internet users are now shopping online.
The study conducted by leading shopping comparison website Getprice.com.au in partnership with research company Core Data examined the current buying behavior of more than 1,000 Australian consumers in November 2009.
While examining the current and future spend of Australian consumers, the inaugural Getprice Shopping Report also provides insight into the driving factors behind the increased popularity of online shopping in Australia and the key factors in the purchase decision.
These key findings include:
o Australians want to be informed and desire the ability to research products online before completing their purchase with 83% of the respondents deeming the ability to research products online prior to going to the shop as useful
o Price is the most critical factor in the purchase decisions for shoppers both offline and online with 93% saying it was important and influential in their purchase decision
o The ability to do price comparisons online was sighted as the most valuable factor for 78% of online shoppers
o 51% of respondents said they had spent more than $200 online over the past 12 months. More than 50% of these online shoppers complete a purchase at least once a month
o The majority of respondents use Getprice for general research (70%) and final price comparison before making a purchase (67%)
o Three out of five respondents (61%) spend at least 10 hours online per week. Around one in five (19%) log online for 30 hours or more weekly
o Reading a news story is the top activity done online in the past 30 days. Other popular activities are online banking, researching a product and comparing prices. Shopping online was ahead of participating in a social networking application, buying a flight or accommodation online and reading a blog.
o TVs, mobile phones and laptop sales are set to boom with respondents saying they are the top products they plan to buy themselves in the next three months.
“The Getprice Shopping Report shows Australian consumers are more determined than ever to see their dollar go further” said Getprice Chief Executive Chris Hitchen.
“They are savvy, researching and comparing products online before parting with their hard earned cash and completing a purchase online or stepping into a store.”
“According to Nielsen Online there are now 14.2 million Australians online. The Getprice shopping report shows an estimated 11.98 million Australians are now actively shopping online. 51% of these shoppers spent more than $200 over the past three months alone – presenting a huge market and growth opportunity for Australian retailers.”
“Shopping websites like Getprice.com.au deliver consumers with the desired choice and transparency. By giving them the ability to make informed decisions Getprice empowers them with everything they need to know, such as buying guides, reviews and user opinions on more than 1.5 million products across Australia” Mr Hitchen said.
The Getprice Shopping Report will follow the buying habits and trends of Australian consumers on a quarterly basis providing a valuable insight into the online shopping industry.  The next report is due in April.

GetPrice Shopping ReportGetPrice Shopping Report
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