Home > News Digital Media > Kia Soul 12:30 AEST | 05 March 2011
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Kia Soul

The aim of this campaign was to create awareness around the Kia Soul new product launch and drive traffic to the offical website.

The Kia Soul campaign was particularly suited to the News Digital Media audience base, as 38% of News Digital Media’s audience are People 20-34 years, reaching over 3.9 million a month*.
That’s higher than any other major online publisher in Australia.

Sites with an over representation of the desired audience included:
• moshtix.com.au
• news.com.au/entertainment
• run of entertainment channels across our masthead websites

The Kia Soul campaign consisted of a three fold strategy encompassing multiple consumer touch points with both display and integrated media. The campaign launched with a homepage brand skin and take over of moshtix.com.au. This was accompanied by tactical homepage display on news.com.au/entertainment and RMX video creative across an entertainment channel buy.

* Source: Roy Morgan Single Source – SEP 08/ NO MI JAN 09
Percentage demo in RM applied to UB figure from MI.

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