Last updated: February 28, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 18°C - 28°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

Top gardens grow a price


SPENDING a couple of hundred dollars and one or two weekends working on your garden could land you thousands of dollars when it comes to selling time.

Remove the uncertainty


MOVING interstate can be a costly process but there are several options to save time and money.

A green way to add value

Solar panels

ENERGY saving and environmentally friendly home equipment are becoming a point of difference for buyers keen to capitalise on reduced bills.

Makeovers the norm

Home makeover

THE old adage of having to spend money to make money is no truer than when selling your home.

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Adelaide Zoo Enrichment Day

Enrichment Day

Animals enjoyed food treats and more at Adelaide Zoo's Enrichment Day on Saturday.

Zoo animals measure up

Zoo audit

Zookeepers checking on the condition of animals within their care have produced remarkable pictures

Elderly woman murdered

Anne Redman

Police are investigating the murder of an elderly woman at her home at Seacliff

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