Last updated: February 23, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 16°C - 30°C . Fine. Sunny.

iPad Opinion


Editorial: Go in to bat for Oval

THERE is a worrying sense of drift surrounding the project to rebuild the Adelaide Oval.

Editorial: Sentiment holds sway

THE expected decision to declare the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary a national park is a welcome move.

3 comments on this story

Editorial: Real leaders have heart

ONE of John Howard's most devastating political putdowns was to claim Labor leader Kim Beazley didn't have the "ticker" - the heart - for The Lodge.

1 comment on this story

Editorial: Incentive for teachers

THE teaching profession in South Australia has had a tough couple of years. A bitter two-year pay dispute had teachers crying out for more pay and better conditions.

16 comments on this story

Editorial: PS jobs for life

PUBLIC sector unions spent yesterday in court battling state Government attempts to reduce its entitlements in last year's Budget.

14 comments on this story

Editorial: Tough on road offenders

THE unfairly maligned Thinkers in Residence program has once again delivered a thought-provoking work, this time by retired Californian judge Peggy Hora.

5 comments on this story

Editorial: No place for a mine

THE fight for the future of the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary will be a defining episode in South Australia's development.

33 comments on this story

Editorial: Gillard's hospital fix

HOSPITALS reform was meant to be a defining preoccupation of the Rudd Government but actual results - as distinct from speeches and news releases - were thin on the ground.

Editorial: What is an Australian?

IN the words of the song that former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett would have as our national anthem, it is obvious "we are Australian".

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Editorial: Labor may learn to listen

PROTECTION against unwanted urban development in South Australia's renowned Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale is a welcome initiative in its own right.

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Editorial: Labor loses surprise

PREMIER Mike Rann has made more changes to his Cabinet than at any time in his nine years of power.

12 comments on this story

Editorial: Labor's renewal gamble

THE ministerial reshuffle to be announced today comes at a crucial time for the State - not just the Labor Party.

AN Columnists Promo


Jos Valdman - The Advertiser

Jos Valdman

VALDMAN is the cartoonist for The Advertiser and AdelaideNow. He is fascinated by politicians and other zoo animals – especially Fandango the flamingo. 

Peter MacMullin - The Sunday Mail

Peter MacMullin

SUNDAY Mail artist MacMullin swears to abide by the cartoonists' charter of being forever frivolous and loosely accurate.


Andrew Bolt

andrew bolt

ANDREW Bolt is one of Australia's most successful and provocative bloggers. Love him or hate him, you just can't ignore him.

Andrew Fenton's Turkey Shoot

Andrew Fenton - new thumb

FILM writer Andrew Fenton takes aim at movies and pop culture in a blog named after the timeless Australian B-grade movie Turkey Shoot.

Samela Harris

Samela Harris

EXPLORE features writer Sa Harris's quirky and unique take on life in Adelaide, and the weighty issues of the world.

Guest bloggers

Man in silhouette

ADELAIDENOW frequently hosts guest bloggers – from household names to members of the public. Keep an eye out for some surprises!

News Photos
Story Tips


400 feared dead in quake


RESCUERS are working frantically into the night in Christchurch  to reach trapped survivors, with fears the death toll from its earthquake could reach almost 400.


Zoo animals measure up

Zoo audit

Zookeepers checking on the condition of animals within their care have produced remarkable pictures

Elderly woman murdered

Anne Redman

Police are investigating the murder of an elderly woman at her home at Seacliff

Australia Day 2011

australia day 2011

AdelaideNow readers have sent in pics of how they celebrated Australia Day 2011