Last updated: February 28, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 18°C - 28°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

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Thought for the day 28 February 2011

Many Happy Returns to Cathie who recently asked if being born on February 29 makes her different. Ah, but should we say 'happy returns' to her today... or tomorrow? I can't tell without knowing her year of birth. But then, I need the same information to be sure of anyone's 'solar return'. The Sun returns, every year, to the very point it occupied when we were born - but this often happens several hours 'early' or 'late'. It's perfectly possible for the anniversary of your exact birth moment to fall on the day after or the day before your birthday.

What time is it? What day is it? No, no... not on the calendar... on your personal journey through the cosmos! 'Your Guide To The Future' contains an answer that applies to you and nobody else. And it keeps on providing you with priceless personal advice, day after day. Get yours. Change your life. To learn more, click here.

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


They say, 'What you don't know can't harm you.' Have you ever wondered why they say this? It is because they get paid a lot of money by various sinister organisations who are keen to uphold a climate of secrecy and deceit. The more people who uphold this myth the happier (and the better off) those dark horses become. Ignorance, though, is very rarely bliss. Usually, it's just a form of slow torture. What you need, this week, is the truth. Set out to track it down wherever it is hiding. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


How much difference can one new idea really make? That rather depends on what the idea is - and who is having it, plus how badly the new idea is needed. It just so happens that these are very special times. Things are not how they used to be and they may never be the same again. So far, you are not sure how you feel about this. You've got an idea about how things could be very good indeed, but it is only an idea. Or is it? Trust what you think and feel. It's part of an impetus that will take you a long way. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Sometimes, when we are sheltering from bad weather, we read a book or hold a conversation. We then get so engrossed that, for a while, we don't notice if the rain has stopped. The rain has stopped in your world now. The planetary pressure that was building up has already passed its peak. There may still be a drizzle - but there isn't a downpour. You are safe to proceed, safe to relax, safe to stop feeling as if every moment is crucial and every situation is loaded. Your overall outlook now is... 'mainly sunny'. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Apr 21 - May 21


Never mind 'what do you want?' What do you 'NOT want?' What are you trying to avoid. What are you worried you could end up with? You need to look, not just at your conscious concerns, but at your secret fears, inhibitions and anxieties. Some part of you is afraid of success. There's something you could have - or do - or enjoy if only you weren't so afraid of the possible repercussions and potential consequences. Either overcome that fear or pick a new objective. Above all else, you need to be wholehearted now. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


May 22 - June 22


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. No, really, it IS. Yes, I know that yesterday was too and, of course, I understand that we will be able to say the same about tomorrow. None of this, though, invalidates the thesis. During tomorrow's 'first day of the rest of your life' you can make different decisions if you need to, but this is a bridge you can cross when you come to it. The way you come to it will greatly depend on what you do during today's 'first day of the rest of your life.' So be brave and remember, 'Today is the...' I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


What can't be done? Why can't it be done? Who says so? How much do they know? As a Cancerian, you should know more than anyone just how subject to change the world can be. Perhaps it is because of your awareness of impermanence that you sometimes create artificial anchorage points. You hang on to definitions - and are overly deferential to obstacles because they represent points of stability in the ever-changing ocean of uncertainty. Really, though, if you want change to happen now, it can. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


When witnesses are sworn in at trials they are asked, 'Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.' Thankfully, philosophers are very rarely called upon to give evidence. If they were, the case would never be heard - for, first, there would have to be an endless debate about the meaning of that word 'truth'. Everything is relative. Much depends on how you choose to see it. There are two sides to every story. That said, there is surely, really, only one way to view a key situation now. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


What are you entitled to? An explanation, for one thing. Respect, for another. Help, too. And a lot more besides. It's funny how often we all forget that we have certain basic human rights... and we start to feel small, hopeless, helpless, needy, afraid or unsupported. You've been through a lot lately and it has all taken a toll on your confidence. Now, a tide is turning and a deeply deserved change for the better is taking place. This is yet going to be a much more rewarding week than you currently imagine. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you pleased with your appearance or do you wish you could alter it? Hopefully, by this stage in your life, you have come to love yourself just the way you are. If not, do so at once. It's important. You'll never be happy if you yearn for an impossible change. A different sort of mirror is in front of you now. A reflection of how your actions appear to others... and of how they have inwardly affected you. This is an image you most definitely CAN change if you want. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Life is a soap opera. Every day brings a new instalment, a fresh drama and, usually too, a continuation of some old, all-too familiar saga. Is this what we came here for? Do we exist on this Earth merely so that we can get caught up in an endless round of intense exchanges? You can't ignore the latest development on the stage of your personal life. But nor, as you act out the role that this requires you to play, do you have to throw yourself into the part to the point where you forget everything else that matters. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


You love things to keep moving and changing. Sluggish, bureaucratic processes annoy you. Repetitions disappoint you. Echoes of the past irritate you. Yet, for a while at least, it looks as if you must return to a situation that you know well from times gone by, one which requires a resolution that it has, so far, failed to reach. There's some watching and waiting to be done. It's not a time for taking dramatic action. Accept as much and declare yourself 'willing to learn', and this week, you'll yet get an amazingly inspiring education. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Something good needs to happen soon. You have been through enough stress and struggle. You need a break from it. To get this, you may first have to look very closely at a situation that you would prefer to ignore. Be courageous, realistic and decisive. Once you have tackled a difficult topic, you will see an immediate improvement in every other area of your life. It will then be easy to answer most of your other outstanding questions. Your current challenge may seem like a form of punishment but, actually, it is a gift. I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Adelaide Zoo Enrichment Day

Enrichment Day

Animals enjoyed food treats and more at Adelaide Zoo's Enrichment Day on Saturday.

Zoo animals measure up

Zoo audit

Zookeepers checking on the condition of animals within their care have produced remarkable pictures

Elderly woman murdered

Anne Redman

Police are investigating the murder of an elderly woman at her home at Seacliff

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