Last updated: PREVIEW

Weather: Adelaide 13°C - 26°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.


Western Australia Tropical Cyclone

Western Australia tropical cyclone track map
Forecast Area
Watch Area
Warning Area

Tropical Cyclone Carlos and Ex-Tropical Cyclone Dianne

At 2pm WST Tropical Cyclone Carlos, was estimated to be 50 kilometres west southwest of Karratha and 155 kilometres east northeast of Onslow and moving southwest at 20 kilometres per hour.

Tropical Cyclone Carlos has passed over Karratha and Dampier is now moving southwest along the Pilbara coast towards Onslow and Exmouth.

A Cyclone WARNING is current for coastal areas from Whim Creek to Cape Cuvier and adjacent inland parts.

A Cyclone WATCH is current for areas from Cape Cuvier to Carnarvon.

Tropical Cyclone Dianne is located well offshore and is moving towards the south southwest, away from the WA mainland. TC Dianne is weakening and does not pose a threat to coastal communities. Tropical Cyclone Forecast Track Maps will continue to be issued.

Issued Tuesday 18:56 EDT
Produced by
Weather data source
Based on information from the
Bureau of Meteorology and other providers


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