Notes from the WRI office

From the Office / WRI Event

09 Feb 2011

War Resisters' International (WRI), an international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with more than 90 affiliates in more than 40 countries, condemns the persecution of Turkish antimilitarist and feminist Pinar Selek.

For 12 years now, Pinar Selek has been under prosecution for a crime she did not commit and in connection with which there is no evidence against her - the so-called bombing of the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul on 09 July 1998. Pinar Selek was arrested in 1998, tortured during investigation and spent two and a half years in prison.

25 Jan 2011

We, members of War Resisters’ International (WRI), express our profound horror and deep sadness at the torture and murder of Nigerian pacifist, Chidi Nwosu, founder and president of the Human Rights, Justice and Peace Foundation, affiliate member of WRI. Nwosu, a lifetime human rights activist and promoter of nonviolent social change, was brutally assassinated in his home on December 29th, 2010.

WRI, a pacifist network with 90 affiliates in 40 countries, recognizes that this is the first time in its 90-year history that the founder and president of an affiliate member has been murdered.


22 Feb 2011

There is a new political equilibrium in Latin America that is annoying and worrying the White House. There is even mention of a new “axis of evil”, made up of Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. To attack the governments of these countries, The United States is resorting to political, ethnic and religious propaganda, as well as economic pressure, through veiled announcements in the media, which appear to be news items, reports, articles and even opinion columns and editorials.

09 Feb 2011

We are against what the army is doing to steal our revolutionWe are against what the army is doing to steal our revolutionLast Friday, the 4th of February, at night, I was arrested at one of the headquarters of the Egyptian intelligence. They were covering my eyes and there was a group of intelligence officers making conversations with many Egyptian activists who were arrested as me (9 of them were arrested while going out from El-Barada’i home). One of the intelligence officers told me in front of them “if we collected those 20 activists it would be 10% of what you did”, so I replied, “I am a humble person and I see that all of them are better than me”.