Last Updated: February 25, 2011

Weather: Melbourne 13°C - 25°C . Partly cloudy.

Our Environment education resource

Our Environment

In Term 1, 2011, the Herald Sun will examine the state of our world in Our Environment, an eight-part magazine series.

The write thing to do

Kinglake to Kabul

From Kinglake to Kabul is a book that offers teachers a unique way to discuss Black Saturday and other traumatic events. This is an extract.

Rory's well versed

Rory Burg

A grade-six student from Box Hill wants his poetry to inspire others.


Ria Patel

YEAR-10 student Ria Patel's artwork will feature on the front cover of a 2011 Yellow Pages Living Local book.

Steps to success (Dec 14)

Steps to success

YEAR-11 students can prepare for their final year with these suggested holiday activities.

Remote chance to bridge gap (Dec 7)

Our World

SITTING in a classroom in Victoria, it's hard for students to imagine what life is like for indigenous students in remote parts of Australia.

VCE English article search

VCE students can use Learn’s discounted Student Search service for access to archived articles from the Herald Sun, Sunday Herald Sun, Weekly Times and mX. Order form here

Work Experience

Applications for Herald Sun work experience in 2011 close on December 1, 2010.

Click here to download the application form.
Click here for more information.


Click here to learn all about Melbourne's biggest-selling daily newspaper, the Herald Sun.