Real Clear Politics Thursday
Early Morning Update
The Real Leaders Are in the States - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street JournalLabor's Last Stand - Jane McAlevey, The Nation
Public Sector Unions' Assault on Taxpayers - David Harsanyi, Denver Post
The Budget Debate Is a Sham - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Obama's Louis XV Budget - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Exit of Key Aides Reveals Strife in Palin World - Scott Conroy, RCP
RCP Afternoon Edition
Ending the Public Union Hold on Politicians - Katrina Trinko, NROAnti-Austerity Alliance Wins in Illinois - David Moberg, In These Times
While Obama Spins, Michigan Governor Leads - Nolan Finley, Detroit News
The Unkindest Cut? - Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic
Europe: Till Debt Do Us Part - Desmond Lachman, The American
2012 Field Stays Fluid, But For How Long? - Falcone & Walter, ABC News
Obama's Vulnerability is Likely to Draw Big Field - Andrew Malcolm, LAT
Don't Buy Simple Talk on Budget - Froma Harrop, Providence Journal
Time to Prune Farm Subsidies - Victor Davis Hanson, OC Register
The Bobby Fischer Defense - Garry Kasparov, New York Review of Books
RCP Morning Edition
There's No Turning Back in the Middle East - Fareed Zakaria, TimeDemocracy and the Mob - David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
A Plainly Unserious Budget - James Capretta, National Review Online
Deficit Hawks and the Games They Play - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
GOP Should Welcome a Battle Over Spending - Karl Rove, Wall St. Journal
Climate Change: Galileo Moment for GOP - Mark Hertsgaard, Politico
Galileo & The Scientific Pose of The Left - Robert Tracinski, RealClearPolitics
Why Isn't Anyone From Wall Street in Jail? - Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
Christie Shows Why He Is a GOP Star - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast
The Real Red Menace Is the Ink - George Will, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Europe, Immigration and Arab Unrest - Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian
Multiculturalism Has Failed - Emmett Tyrrell, The American Spectator
Put Simply: Religion Matters - Tony Blair, Monterrey Tecnológico University
Happy Stimulus Day - Reince Priebus, Washington Times
Workers Silenced in Wisconsin - Harold Meyerson, Washington Post
Public Unions Have Too Much Control - Patrick McIlheran, Milwaukee JS
CBS Complicit in News Coverup - Michael Graham, Boston Herald
The House Is Out of Control - New York TimesDodd-Frank Bill Comes Due - Boston Herald
High Speed Rail Race Is a Lost Cause - Washington Post
Illinois Cannot Avoid Big Spending Cuts - Chicago Sun-Times
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Real Clear Politics Wednesday
Morning UpdateThe Politics of the New Middle America - E.J. Dionne, American Prospect
Debt Doomsday: DC's Spending Crisis - Tony Blankley, Washington Times
Wide Skepticism on Seriousness of Obama Budget - Andrew Malcolm, LAT
Why the President's Budget Is a Success - David Kendall, The Hill
Ever-More-Desperate Health Care Gimmicks - Megan McArdle, Atlantic
What Is Critics' Solution to Health Costs? - Jonathan Cohn, New Republic
Defund ObamaCare Now - Milton Wolf, Washington Times
The Fate of Democrats' Senate Majority - Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Mitch Daniels' Moment, and Dilemmas - David Paul Kuhn, RealClearPolitics
The Future of a Democratic Egypt - Condoleezza Rice, Washington Post
Pharaoh Without a Mummy - Thomas Friedman, New York Times
The Polarized Narratives on Egypt - Cathy Young, RealClearPolitics
Hillary Clinton: Myth & Reality - Laura Brown, Harper's Bazaar
The Housing Menace - Stephen Meister, New York Post
Fannie and Freddie Aren't Going Anywhere - Bethany McLean, Slate
Madoff Says Banks 'Had to Know' of Fraud - Diana Henriques, NY Times
Major Hasan, 'Star Officer' - Dorothy Rabinowitz, Wall Street Journal
Afternoon Update
California: Farewell, My Lovely - Tim Cavanaugh, Reason
Boehner's Selective Fatalism - Dana Milbank, Washington Post
Health Care Waivers: What is Going on Here? - John Merline, AOL News
Gov. Christie: It's Put Up Or Shut Up Time - Scott Conroy, RealClearPolitics
Thune for President? - Robert Costa, National Review
Time for a New Economy - Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation
Consumer Choice Extinguished with Bulb Ban - Manny Lopez, Detroit News
Ft. Hood Lessons About More Than "PC" - Adam Serwer, American Prospect
CBS Reporter's Cairo Nightmare - Shain, Kaplan & Sheehy, New York Post
Political News & Analysis
Bipartisan Senate Group Mulls Spending Caps, Tax Hikes - WSJFour States Receive Waivers to Carry Out Health Care Law - NY Times
GOP Seeks Napolitano Papers Ahead of Possible Senate Run - The Hill
Republicans on FEC Want to Allow Firms to Raise Money - Wash Post
Transcripts & Speeches
Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner - HannityInterview with Senator Bernie Sanders - The NewsHour
Interview with Senator Jim DeMint - On the Record
Guests: Rep. Jason Chaffetz - The Last Word
Panel on Osama bin Laden and Guantanamo - Special Report w/Bret Baier
Best of the Blogs
An "Outrageous" Statement on Israel - Jennifer Rubin, Right TurnDefunding the Democratic Party - Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
Can Conservatism Hold It Together - Julia Shaw, The Foundry
No Deal - Jonathan Bernstein, Plain Blog
The President's Proposed Deficits -
Real Clear Markets |
A Silent, Yet Remarkable Revolution in Banking - Sanjeev Sinha, Reuters
Inflation's Real Problem Isn't on Wall St. - Vishesh Kumar, Daily Finance
Deflation Offers Powerful Economic Benefits - Jeff Nielson,
What Would Cause a Bull Market to End? Good News - Jeff Cox, CNBC
Real Clear World |
Egypt Hasn't Had a Revolution ... Yet - John Judis, The New Republic
End the Arab Police State - Eric Goldstein, Wall Street Journal
A Reality Check on India, Pakistan - Majidyar & Shah, The Diplomat
The Druze Factor in Lebanon - Mara Karlin, Foreign Affairs
Real Clear Religion |
What Happened to the Girls at Gosnell's Clinic? - William Saletan, Slate
Is Monroe Beachy an Amish Madoff? - Donald Kraybill, The Washington Post
V.S. Naipaul & the Heart of Dimness - Aram Bakshian, American Spectator
Manny Pacquiao, the Prayerful Pugilist? - Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief
Real Clear Science |
Courts Increasingly Skeptical of Forensics - Beth Schwartzapfel, Newsweek
Think Biomass, Not Natural Gas - Joan Melcher, Miller-McCune
Physicists Build World's First Anti-Laser - BBC News
Virtual Avatars Create 'Out-of-Body' Experience - Alok Jha, Guardian
Real Clear Sports |
Glib Pujols Puts Smile on Failed Negotiations - Jeff Passan, Yahoo! Sports
Tigers Must Fix Cabrera's Alcohol Problem - Jon Paul Morosi, Fox Sports
NFL Owners Want Outlandish Guarantees - Sally Jenkins, Washington Post
NBA All-Star Weekend Might Be Last of Its Kind - Ken Berger, CBS Sports