Anarchist Summer School is here!

Anarchist Summer School is an educational conference and convergence happening  on the 18th- 20th February 2011, at Jura, Black Rose, Tutu, Stucco and other community venues in Sydney. For more info check out

FOOD, Inc - Film screening

The Jura Food Buyers' Co-op is excited to be screening FOOD, INC - a recent documentary that looks inside the corporate controlled food industry. The global food production business delivers enormous profits and power to a handful of multinational corporations. All at the expense of the health of the food, animals, workers and consumers.

6.30pm, Friday 25 February.
Suggested donation $5, no-one turned away for lack of funds.

2011 organisers - ON SPECIAL

Get yourself organised with a Slingshot or Black Wallaby Organiser for 2011. These aren't just any diary, they're filled with radical dates from people's struggle, beautiful artworks, and political articles. Jura still has some colours and sizes for you to choose from. The small slingshot is now on special - only $4! And the Black Wallaby is also on special - $8!

The pocket Slingshot is a 176 page pocket planner (11cm x 14cm) with radical dates for every day of the year, space to write your phone numbers, a contact list of radical groups around the globe, menstrual calendar, info on police repression, extra note pages, plus much more. It has a tough layflat binding and a laminated cover. Now on special, down from $7 to $4.

The large-size Slingshot is bound with a spiral wire binding and is twice the size of the pocket organizer with twice as much space to write all the events in your life. It is 176 pages and 14cm x 21cm, and costs $12. It has similar contents to the classic: radical dates for every day of the year, space to write your phone numbers, a contact list of radical groups around the globe, menstrual calendar, info on police repression, extra note pages, plus much more. You get a little bonus stuff in the spiral version. The covers are laminated with heavy duty 3 mil glossy plastic to help it survive the year. Slingshot is produced by a radical activist collective in the US.

The Black Wallaby diary is produced by folks right here in Australia, and is our answer to Slingshot. Filled with art by Australian radicals, and some dates from our activist past. It comes in dark blue and is 14cm x 21cm. Now on special - down from $13 to $8.

Buy your organiser at Jura or via mail order (email us at jura[at]jura[dot]org[dot]au) 

Keen for Revolution?

Here at Jura Books the revolution has already started! If you think the revolutionary change is not going fast enough, you could always help by joining one of our many activities or starting a new one. Come and get involved! Jura is an anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist bookshop and organising centre. We stock thousands of political books, and are actively involved in movements for social change. There are lots of things we are doing and need help with: agitating for worker's control, publishing zines and pamphlets, building the website and computer infrastructure, organising the library, putting on talks and films, and doing shifts in the bookshop.

Jura also welcomes groups and individuals to use our space and resources to organise their own activities. If you have a libertarian philosophy and need facilities, you are most welcome!

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