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Discussion on Internet Freedom Strategy

Feb. 18: Join us for a live webcast at 10am on the State Department’s Internet Freedom Strategy with Assistant Secretary Michael Posner and Leslie Harris, President and CEO, of the Center for Democracy and Technology.

Date: 02/18/2011 Description: Conversations With America: State Department's Internet Freedom Strategy - a discussion between Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Michael Posner and Leslie Harris, President and CEO, of the Center for Democracy and Technology - State Dept Image

50th Anniversary of Citizen Diplomacy

Feb. 17: Secretary Clinton delivered remarks at the 50th anniversary of citizen diplomacy reception for the National Council of International Visitors in the Ben Franklin Room at the Department of State.  Full Text»  Video»

Democracy in the Middle East

Secretary Clinton (Feb. 17): "In today’s briefing, we also discussed the lessons of the recent events in Egypt and the broader Middle East. These events demonstrate why the United States must remain fully engaged around the world." Full Text»

In Other News

Conversations With America: International Disability Rights

Feb. 17: Judith Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, held a conversation today with David Morrissey, Executive Director of the United States International Council on Disabilities. Watch for transcript/video

Strategic Dialogue With Civil Society

Secretary Clinton (Feb. 16): "I want to start by acknowledging the many brave people who could not be with us today because they are doing what civil society does. They are fighting for human rights and dignity." Full Text» Briefing» More»

FY 2012 State Department and USAID Budget

Feb 14: Secretary Clinton and Deputy Secretary Nides briefed the press on the Fiscal Year 2012 budget for the State Department and USAID. More about the budget»

Ambassador Verveer To Travel to Brazil

Feb. 16: Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer will travel to Brazil Feb. 17-19 to launch events in support of the U.S.-Brazil Memorandum of Understanding on the Advancement of Women. More»

Enhancing Our Security

Under Secretary Tauscher (Feb. 16): "This past year we showed that we can reduce the role and number of nuclear weapons and enhance our security. We sponsored the first-ever Nuclear Security Summit." Full Text»  More»

Internet Freedom

Secretary Clinton (Feb. 15): "The course we chart today will determine whether those who follow us will get the chance to experience the freedom, security, and prosperity of an open internet." Full Text» Fact Sheet»

New Foreign Assistance Dashboard

Visit the new Foreign Assistance Dashboard for a user-friendly way to find key State and USAID foreign assistance budget and appropriation data that you can manually query, filter, and download. More»

Burma: U.S. Concerned About Aung San Suu Kyi's Safety

Assistant Secretary Crowley (Feb. 16): "We remain concerned about Aung San Suu Kyi’s safety and security. This is a fundamental responsibility of Burmese authorities to ensure her safety and that of all Burmese citizens." Full Text»


Date: 02/09/2011 Description: QR Code for - State Dept Image for Mobile

Get foreign policy information on your handheld device by scanning in the above QR code or visiting More» Other Government apps»

Date: 02/01/2011 Description: 2011 Black History Month Participant: Anthony C. Fernandes - State Dept Image
Black History Month 2011

Tony Fernandes is a political military officer at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, Turkey.  More»

Date: 02/15/2011 Description: Screen shot of Opinion Space home page. - State Dept Image
Opinion Space

The U.S. Department of State is interested in your perspectives and input on a series of important foreign policy questions.  More»

Date: 01/07/2011 Description: Slate for live webcast of Conversations With America -  Haiti in 2011: The Way Forward on January 10, 2011, with Sam Worthington, President and CEO of InterAction, and Haiti Special Coordinator Thomas Adams. - State Dept Image
Conversations With America

These thought-provoking interviews between NGO leaders and State Department leadership are aired live online. More»

Date: 12/17/2010 Description: The first Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, "Leading Through Civilian Power," - State Dept Image

QDDR provides a blueprint for elevating American "civilian power" to better advance national interests and be a better partner to U.S. military. More»

Description: Doors to Diplomacy website contest. © State Dept Photo
Doors to Diplomacy

Doors to Diplomacy recognizes the student-created Web projects that best teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. More»

Date: 01/28/2011 Location: Washington, DC Description: Special Representative Pandith speaks at the Washington Foreign Press Center on engaging Muslim Communities around the world. - State Dept Image
State @ Work

Special Representative Pandith speaks at the Foreign Press Center on engaging Muslim communities around the world. More»

Date: 04/07/2010 Description: Cover of the State Department's April 7, 2010 Open Government Plan - State Dept Image
Open Government
The State Department is committed to sharing information with the public about the diplomatic work we conduct. Open Government Plan»
 Description: Students gather together to pose for camera. State Department photo
Fulbright Program Enriches Students
Learn about foreign cultures while sharing U.S. views and values. 7th Alumni Conference» Fulbrighters in DC»