Home » Spirituality & Politics

amazon-soli-kassel Amazon-Soli-Kassel

bfuusjev Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists' Social Justice Committee Events

bpfseattle Buddhist Peace Fellowship -- Seattle

centralctgp Disscussion and News list for the Central CT Green Party

compendio OC

contact-choc Contact du ChOC

earthrainbownetwork The Earth Rainbow Network e-list

edgenews Edge Fund (monthly-ish) news

environment.conferences -

faithct Progressive Politics & Activism in Connecticut

farmingtonscipioquakers News sharing for the Farmington Scipio region of the Religious Society of Friends

ganzheitlich Ganzheitliches-Birkenwerder

gefahrengebiet_schanze Gefahrengebiet Sternschanze

gochgo Chicago Culture, Critical Thinking, Creative Efforts

guerrillacommunion-nyc A radical Catholic potluck community in New York City

icamiabas sagrado feminino

iglesiasporlapaz Iglesias por la paz

jeju Stand with Women of Jeju Island

jerusalemrealitytours New group list

lettre-choc Lettre du ChOC

longbeachgreens Long Beach Greens

madhupamaypop Yoga, Nourishment, Art

mareapopularbuenosaires Marea Popular Bs As

medias-choc Communiqués de presse du ChOC

ncchavurah anti/non-zionist, queer & trans positive Chavurah based in Durham, NC

nde Anti-nuclear Direct Action at the Nevada Test Site

nowaronsyria2 Preventing US war on Syria & ENDING ALL US wars

nv-lifeline A support network for people dedicated to living nonviolence as a way of life.

occupyav-generalassembly Discussion/Working Group for General Assembly of Occupy Antelope Valley

okactivists Oklahoma Progressive Activism

omn The Olympia Mycelial Network, radical mycology in the South Puget Sound

paperrevolution Paper Revolution

patriagrandelujan Patria Grande

pcamt Progressive Community Alliance of Middle Tennessee


podemoslondon [PodemosLondon]

rainbow-aotearoa An email loop for people wanting to be involved in rainbow gatherings and other activities of te whanau uenuku in Aotearoa (NZ)

retraitederue Organiser une retraite de rue à Paris en 2015

rpec_newsletter Newsletter of the Richmond Peace Education Center, Richmond, Virginia

rs Radical Shamanism and Wicca - Staying in the Light

seryactuar Ser y Actuar (creando un nuevo paradigma)

sonomagreens Sonoma Greens Open Forum

south_west_against_nuclear_newsletter South-West Against Nuclear Newsletter

tibethouse TibetHouse

tribal-melanesia Melanesian tribal & indigenous news & discussions

ufk members of Kelowna Unitarian Fellowship

vb_regional NY/NJ Regional Committee - Venceremos Brigade

vcgreens Green Party of Ventura County, California

vidaylibertad Vida y Libertad

vitalismeintegral Vitalisme Integral - Procés de Gènesi

voices_for_justice_amendment UU-OR_AMEND_CONSTITUTION

wretch A radical Christian organizer/resource guide working group

yo-news-info-updates active thinkers / do it yourself hints, tips, news and updates