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afa-ifa Secretary contact & general inquires for the Anarchist Federation in Australia(AFA)

anarchism.in.arabic تحرريون

anarchistbdsmberlin Anarchist BDSM Berlin

antifa-brussels Liste pour la diffusion d'info au sujet de la lutte populaire contre le fascisme, sous toutes ses formes - Lijst ter verspreiding van informatie over de brede strijd tegen fascisme in al zijn vormen

arcoiris Ahi te va

bashback Bash Back! list serve request

bayareacodepinkaction san francisco bay area code pink action list

bbold BOLD Baby-Old Lesbian Dykes

bonobohoboswildlandfreeschool A panspermic adventure of feral foraging, wilderness adventure, and freak show life in the infinity loop D loo of the Dirty-Dirty Souths islands, rivers, and swamps, Appalachian mountains, Pacific Northwest and points in-between. A Hoop of sorts.

compendio OC

dcradmadness DC Radical Mental Health

edgenews Edge Fund (monthly-ish) news

fab-fem-queer berlin infolist for a network of femmes friends and feminine queers

gendentity Let your software support a diverse range of gender identities and pronouns in its language and data

gender-infoverteiler_in queer_feministisches in pdm - Infoverteiler_in

girlarmy Teaching self-defense

gochgo Chicago Culture, Critical Thinking, Creative Efforts

hasenheidis antisexismus

hotpot-allies queer asian allies of Philadelphia

jeju Stand with Women of Jeju Island

listequeerlist Montreal Queer Listserv

national-lgbtiq-greens Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex & Queer Greens

northeast-apoc northeast autonomous/anti-authoritarian/anarchist people of color

nowaronsyria2 Preventing US war on Syria & ENDING ALL US wars

okactivists Oklahoma Progressive Activism

oots_members Out On The Shelf Members

paperrevolution Paper Revolution

pcamt Progressive Community Alliance of Middle Tennessee

phillypraxis Autonomist Research in Philly.

pinarseleklyon-info Lettre d'information du Collectif lyonnais de solidarité avec Pinar Selek

profitratte Newsletter der ProfitRatte

qaees Queer Art Education Emergency Service

queerdenkennews Newsletterliste des Vereins QueerDenken!

queerfeministgeeks Queer Feminist Geeks

queerfeministischbiertrinken QueerFeministisch Biertrinken [qfb] in ffm, germany -closed group-

queerffm queer events and topics in frankfurt/main, germany

queerilla Queerilla Gent

queerillainfo Promolijst voor Queerilla Gent

queerresistance Queers against the cuts

quitpalestine Queer Activism In Support of Palestinian Liberation

qyop HAVOQ & SF Pride at Work

rezonitrate-info Réseau TransPédéGouine et Féministe de films

rezonitrate-orga Réseau TransPédéGouine et Féministe de films

rha Radical Homosexual Agenda Discussion List (R.H.A.)

songncwork SONG NC Member Leaders Work Email List

swank SWANK/SWOP-NYC Announcements

trans.il רשימה פוליטית ואקטיביסטית לקהילה הטרנסג'נדרית

trans.il-news עידכונים וחדשות של הקהילה הטרנסג'נדרית

twac_organizers TWAC 2014 Organizers List

vidaylibertad Vida y Libertad