actforpeace Newsletter
aimsu Amnesty International Michigan State University Chapter
aks4peace_news News and Announcements from Alaskans for Peace and Justice
announce_triangle_antiwar Announcements for actions and next meetings.
antimilitaristnetwork Anti-Militarist Network
antiwar-women Women's Caucus formed at 1st Northwest Student Anti-War Coalition Conference
apjn Aberyswyth Peace and Justice Meeting informaiton only list
aprilmobilization April Mobilization
asennuclearfree Australian Student Environment Network Nuclear-Free Crew
asia-pacific_demil_mdg Critique of the UN Millennium Goals
aws Sudbury Social Justice News
bang-europe nuclear disarmament
bayareacodepinkaction san francisco bay area code pink action list
bayareanews-sis News & information for Bay Area & No. California Social Justice Activists
bbold BOLD Baby-Old Lesbian Dykes
bds-sweden Boycott, divestments and sanctions against Israel based on the aims and principles of the Palestian BDS-movement.
bostoncampusantiwar Boston Campus Anti-War Coalition
caatekent East Kent Campaign Against Arms Trade
cambridgestopthewar Cambridge Stop The War
canticlefarm Reinventing Urban Living
ccippp34 CCIPPP34
chaspeace-info news, actions, events of interest to friends of Charleston Peace (SC)
cndgreensdiscuss CND Greens
concerned_citizens_of_stevens_point Concerned Citizens of Stevens Point
convivamos Con-Vivamos
coospeace Peace and Justice Coalition
corgobaith Côr Gobaith
covstopwar Coventry Stop the War Coalition
cpj Organizing for Peace, Justice and Human Dignity in Southern Oregon
csn-web Announcements from the Colombia Support Network
delcopeacecenter Delaware County PA Peace Center announcements
diasporacolombianx colombianxs en el exterior en solidaridad con movimientos sociales en colombia
disarmdsei Anti arms trade direct action
divert-the-funding Stop funding, direct & indirect, for all wars, and divert funds to peaceful pursuits that benefit people.
edinburghcaat Edinburgh Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT)
editors--peacevoice distribution of peace and justice articles
epalestine Palestine
epjc-announce Evergreen Peace & Justice Community -- General Announcements
eu-abolition2000 abolition of nuclear weapons
evoz CASC: Events and Announcements
focus-on-trade Focus on Trade
forumprovinciale Forum Provinciale per la pace, i diritti umani e la solidarietá intarnazionale
freebradleymanningsocal Freedom For Bradley Manning
friedenswinter Vorbereitung Friedensaktionen Winter 2014/2015
friedenswinter-nrw Vorbereitung Aktionen Friedenswinter in NRW und Demo am 13.12.2014 in Bochum
gazabenefit Benefit Concert for Children of Gaza
globalnetnews-summary alternative news worldwide
gochgo Chicago Culture, Critical Thinking, Creative Efforts
greaterorlandopeacelist Peace and antiwar activism
heddwch Peace, Green and Justice information list for Ceredigion area.
ifp Iowans For Peace
ifp-announce Iowans For Peace Announcements
ifp-state Iowans For Peace, statewide
infomarchapatriotica.arg Información Marcha Patriótica Argentina
ipra-council-members IPRA PEACE MEMBERS
ipra-councilmembers IPRA MEMBERS 2014/2016
ipra_topics peace research commission convenors
iraqisolidarity Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)
jeffmacklerantiwarnews Jeff Mackler Antiwar News
jeju Stand with Women of Jeju Island
lancasterpeace Dedicated to creating a coalition devoted to Peace and Justice in Lancaster Pennsylvania
lawofcolor progressive law for people of color
letslobby Lobbying
mapa Massachusetts Peace Action Board of Directors
mapa_ef Mass Peace Action Education Fund
megastop collectif contre le laser mégajoule
members_pjsa Members List for the Peace and Justice Studies Association
mercure mercure
negajoule association Négajoule
newprioritiescampaign antiwar, against militarism, move $$ from the Pentagon to the people
no-to-nato no-to-nato
no_nukes_sk Working Group on No Nukes in Saskatchewan
nobases-europe European no-bases network
nodrones NO drones, SING not DRONE, Ground/Grind Drones
noimperialwars A List to discuss America's wars from an anti-imperial perspective
nowar-paix-discuss NOWAR/PAIX related discussion
nowar-paix-info NOWAR/PAIX informative messages
nowaronsyria2 Preventing US war on Syria & ENDING ALL US wars
nspmannounce Nottingham Student Peace Movement announcements list
nv-lifeline A support network for people dedicated to living nonviolence as a way of life.
occupyhouston Occupy Houston
occupywesternmassga Occupy Western Massachusetts - Announcements
ofor-issues-and-events Peace & Social Justice
okactivists Oklahoma Progressive Activism
operationinfinitelove Momma Rub a Dub. Spreading the Lub
palestinatomalacalle activist network
palestinesolidaritysouthampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign Southampton Branch
palisadiansforpeace Palisadians for Peace
paperrevolution Paper Revolution
pcamt Progressive Community Alliance of Middle Tennessee
pcmc Peace Coalition of Monterey County
peace-strike Peace Strike
peace_center The Western New York Peace Center
peaceeditors distribution of peace and justice analysis and commentary
peacefulaction Peace actions in London
peaceofferings Peace Offerings - Leeds Peace Choir
pfpjdiscuss Discussion Group for People for Peace & Justice
pga Peoples' Global Action North America
phillypraxis Autonomist Research in Philly.
pinarseleklyon-info Lettre d'information du Collectif lyonnais de solidarité avec Pinar Selek
pinkportland Code Pink in Portland
pncamp Peace News Summer Camp 2015
portlandfnb Portland Maine Food Not Bombs
post Mail
profitratte Newsletter der ProfitRatte
pslv Palestine Solidarity Movement - Lehigh Valley
ptpm.announcements Port Townsend Peace Movement Announcements List
raginggranniese-vine Raging Grannies E-Vine
rpec_newsletter Newsletter of the Richmond Peace Education Center, Richmond, Virginia
rs Radical Shamanism and Wicca - Staying in the Light
sbm South Bay Mobilization
scrapvfa Scrap VFA Movement
sdcpjcoordinating San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice - Coordinating Committee
sfbaycodepinkdiscussion Discussion list for CodePINK Bay Area activists
sheffieldagainstwar Anti-war annoucements list for Sheffield
shundahaialert Education and direct action on nuclear and indigenous environmental justice issues
shutdownhk Discussion list for the campaign against Heckler & Koch in the UK
snow-lakeforestpark Lake Forest Park SNOW affiliate
snow-mapleleaf Maple Leaf Neighborhood SNOW discussion & planning forum
snow-westseattle West Seattle peace and justice organizing in collaboration with SNOW
southendagainstcuts Group opposing public spending cuts
southendstopthewar Southend Stop the War newsletter
southwiltshirecaat southwiltshireCAAT
spcannouncements Syracuse Peace Council Announcements and Activities
spcdroneaction Syracuse, NY activists working to ground the drones and end the wars.
spcsc-current Syracuse Peace Council Active Steering Committee Members
stirlingcnd Stirling Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
stop-g4s Stop G4S
stop-the-arms-fair-announcements Stop the Arms Fair announcements
stopthewar.philippines Solidarity to Oppose Wars (STOP the War!) Philippines A movement for Peace and Social Justice
stopthewarpolitics The Anti-War Movement and Electoral Politics
stwc Stop the War Coalition
stwc-lewisham Stop the War
syriapjannounce Syria Peace & Justice
theatersagainstwar-discussion Anti-War/Anti-Empire
tnjp Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace
towerhamletsstw Stop the War East London
tpa Topanga Peace Alliance
tpa-2 Topanga Peace Alliance Major Official Announcements
traprockannouncements Announcements from the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice
unac UNAC is a National Antiwar Network
unitedforpeaceofpiercecounty United for Peace of Pierce County
unitedvoices-peaceandsecurity United Voices of Concern: Peace and Security in Asia Pacific
vancouverforpeace Social Justice
vancouverforpeacetalk open discussion of subjects of interest, policy, business, endorsements, sponsorships, etc.
vcstopthewar Ventura County Committee to Stop the War
vfp156news Newsletter of Rogue Valley Veterans for Peace Chapter 156
vfpsb Peace activism, education, transformation: troops to pacifists, guns to plowshares
vidaylibertad Vida y Libertad
voicesuk Voices UK e-mail list
wamm WAMM Announcement
wes_sjsf Wesleyan Students for a Just and Stable Future
wilpfmadison WILPFMadison Announcement List
women_against_nato Women Against NATO List
wtr-s War tax resistance support & discussion
youthriot Youth RIOT
ypsi_fnb Ypsilanti Food Not Bombs