Home » Cooperative Economics

1in12maintenance 1in12 maintenance collective

alternatiba-sudestparisien contacts entre personnes du Sud Est Parisien 93 94 91 et au dela interessées l'idée d'Alternatiba

alternativeeconomy Alternative Economy OWS

angebotundnachfrage alternative Tausch- und Kleinanzeigen-Börse für das Rhein-Main-Gebiet

asud.informa A Sud Informazione ed Eventi

basinkomst-utbildning Basinkomst - Utbildning

basket basket paraggelies

berliner_infos Infos aus Berlin

bier_fuer_alle AK Bier

bikeshack Volunteer-run donation-based bicycle workshop in Seattle

bloominginspace network of autonomous anarchist/anti-authoritarian/horizontal intentional communities

bringbackbritishrail Bring Back British Rail

bristolstudenthousingcoop Student Housing Coop in Bristol

burdock-planning A list for the Burdock Gathering planning committee

campodeenergia-granada EBC_Granada

canticlefarm Reinventing Urban Living

cednet-board East Tennessee Economic Development

ciar Cooperativa Integral Aragonesa (CIAR)

cicnuclilh [Nucli LH]

cisf-fr Liste francophone des coopératives intégrales sans frontières

cnjsp-announcements Announcement list for the Central New Jersey Socialist Party

compendio OC

convivamos Con-Vivamos

coopliving Cooperative Living of Seattle

cowleyclub Cowley Club social centre in Brighton, UK

datacommons operations of the Data Commons Co-op

dcp-friends Newsletter for friends of the Data Commons Project

difusion.barbara Lista de distribución del bar La Barbarie

diktyo.antallagwn.thess Alternative currency scheme in Thessaloniki, Greece

directory Creating a national directory of solidarity economy & co-op enterprises

directorytech Technical development for the Data Commons Project

eatglass Eat Glass: the Madagascar Institute announcement list

ecological_food_systems Sustainable Ecological Organic Agricultural Systems

economiasolidaria Economía Solidaria

ecored-ces ecoRED Salamanca - CES

edgenews Edge Fund (monthly-ish) news

elfco_weekly ELFCO Food Co-op Updates

emac-announce EMAC announcements list

eutransport European Cooperative Transport

fablizaliza Création d'un espace fablab "lizaliza" à Quimper

falabracfabrik association cantine bio boutique recyclage atelier débat nice france

feedportland News and conversation about sharing food in Portland, Oregon.

feria.encuentro-dif economía afectiva

firk Diffusion du programme du café librairie Michèle Firk

foodcoop_marburg FoodCoop Marburg

foodkooperative Foodcooperative


freegannyc-discussion NYC freegan discussion list of freegan.info

freegannyc-events Freegan.info's NYC Events

freeganworld Freegan.info World News and Discussion

freeridemontpelier Freeride Montpelier - Bike Coop News

gekko-news Nachrichten von und über Gekko Getränke- und Handelskollektiv

gemeinschaftsgarten-fl-werdenberg Gartengemeinschaft FL-Werdenberg Interessierte

gochgo Chicago Culture, Critical Thinking, Creative Efforts

gratiferia-redon espace de gratuité à redon

greenbikeproject Birmingham Green Bike Project

gremio_educacion Creation of a new list

hubtawe Swansea Produce Hub

informes-trocas_verdes Informes do grupo trocas verdes

ingalan_bro_naoned_info Diffusion des informations de Ingalan à destination de ses sympathisantes-ts

jdjl-wiso Wirtschaft & Soziales

kcap Kingston Coalition Against Poverty

kielkollektiv Worker Cooperatives in Kiel (Germany)

kostnixladen Diskussion, Planung und Organisation rund um Kostnixladen und Umsonstökonomie

laformica "La Formica" - gruppo libertario di Padova (Italia) / libertarian group based in Padua (Italy)

lebensmittelrettendd foodsaving in Dresden public list

les-amap-pointedecaux collectif des amap région havraise

lets-software Web Software for LETS

local2020 Local 20/20 promotes bioregional self-reliance and economic cooperation

local2020.council Local 2020 acts, informs and organizes on the North Olympic Peninsula

localloansforlocalfoods Local Loans for Local Food: A Slow Money Project in Cincinnati Ohio

lokayat.pune Lokayat: A social activist group based in Pune, India

lostfood FoodCoop Organisation

mfc.mess Mariposa Electronic Storage System Committee

miscelaneagratis Miscelanea Gratis, Red de apoyo mutuo.

mkvolunteer Midnight Kitchen Schedule and Announcements

mplsfoodbuyingclub mplsfoodbuyclub

msvm Moeda Social no Val Miñor

mustardseednews Periodic community farm updates

neaguinea Nea Guinea

nowaronsyria2 Preventing US war on Syria & ENDING ALL US wars

nv-lifeline A support network for people dedicated to living nonviolence as a way of life.

occupyav-generalassembly Discussion/Working Group for General Assembly of Occupy Antelope Valley

occupyberlin-geld AG Geld und alternative Zahlungsmethoden (Occupy Berlin)

occupyhouston Occupy Houston

okactivists Oklahoma Progressive Activism

opensourceecology Open Source Ecology - Berlin

ows-worker-coop OWS Worker Cooperative Work Group

paperrevolution Paper Revolution

pcamt Progressive Community Alliance of Middle Tennessee

pch Portland Collective Housing Member Listserve

permaculturehudsonvalley Permaculture and Liberation Ecology in the Hudson Valley

pga Peoples' Global Action North America

phillypraxis Autonomist Research in Philly.

portlandfnb Portland Maine Food Not Bombs

profitratte Newsletter der ProfitRatte

radicalroots Radical Roots

rag_bones Rag & Bones General Listserv

rainbow-aotearoa An email loop for people wanting to be involved in rainbow gatherings and other activities of te whanau uenuku in Aotearoa (NZ)

raum-lostfood FoodCoop Raumdienst

recodebate Debate sobre a ReCo

reparto El Almacén Andante

rfm-moscow really free market

selvf Lettre d'information du SEL du Val de Fontenay

sencc U.S. Solidarity Economy Network Board

solidaroekonomie-kongress-newsletter Newsletter des Solidaroekonomie Kongresses Wien

sufi Sustainable Food Initiative at Brown

symba-contributeurs Symba - Contributeurs

symba-news Symba - Newsletter des Sociétaires

tauschring Tauschring Aschaffenburg

thefabrica News and Info from The Fábrica

towards-money-free-world Transition from money-driven to money-free world

transition.marseille La Transition à Marseille

trial-error Creating together a more sustainable future!

troofoodliberation Food Activism / Animal Rights / Human Rights

tthh Liste Transition Netzwerk Hamburg

ulado-info Umsonstladen Dortmund Info

vcgreens Green Party of Ventura County, California

ventecomoeres Vente Como Eres. Juguetes, Talleres, Experimentación

vidaylibertad Vida y Libertad

vokue-hannover-3 Volxküche Hannover 1. und 3. Montag

web-lostfood FoodCoop Internet

welfarerights POWER: Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights

westphillycoops Coordination between Cooperative houses in West Philly

wildpeak Wild Peak Housing Co-operative

worcn Worker Owned and Run Cooperative Network of Boston

worcn-coordinate Worker Owned and Run Cooperative Network of Boston Coordination

workercoops UK Worker Cooperatives

wymiennik Building Community Exchange System in Warsaw

xarxaintegralmallorquina llista de correu per la XIM