A slave to my DVR, I’m always fast-forwarding through commercials. Last night, however - as I watched my favorite juiceheads in real time - ads featuring the MTV stars held my attention. A pistachio commercial starring Snooki, who apparently cracks open her favorite low-cal nuts using a tanning bed, followed Ronnie’s ad for Xenadrine, an ultra-strength weight loss pill. “The City’s” Whitney Port also made an appearance with her Neutrogena spot. There’s no escaping MTV at this point. (What products do you think the rest of the cast should front? Tell us in the comments below!) But first...
The episode picked-up just as the crew’s night began to wind down. Upon arriving home, Ronnie proceeded to vomit into what looked like a Lululemon shopping bag. (The good news: That bag is durable enough to constrain Ron’s mess. The bad news: I’m 83 percent sure I saw a pair of yoga pants in there. Sorry, Sam.) I have to say, I was not too thrilled about the graphic nature of that scene. Of course, that was pretty much the theme of last night’s episode, which also took us to the doctor's office with Ron. “Nobody likes the snap of rubber gloves,” the doc said to Ron as he winced in pain. While Ron was getting to know his new physician, Snooki was waking up in the dog run with JWoww’s puppies. I’m assuming this is not the worst place she’s ever passed out. That night at Karma, Deena found herself lusting after one of Ronnie’s friends. But only to cuddle, she said. “It’s not Halloween. I’m not handing candy out for free. You need a golden ticket to get into these drawers,” she told the camera. Five minutes later… “Whatever, my golden ticket was taken.” Snooki also had a houseguest that evening. The pair hit it off so well, they skipped the awkward morning after bit and opted to head to the boardwalk instead, walk of shame style. Everything seemed to be going great. Snooki learned about Jeff’s tongue ring (which she somehow failed to notice the night before) and told him why she doesn’t swim in the ocean - all the whale sperm makes the water too salty. But for Snooki, baggage from having an engagement/promise ring is a non-negotiable, and she was ready to move on to the next. Jeff, however, wasn’t. After he called the house a few times, Pauly D decided to put the poor sap out of his misery. Speaking in his best monotone voice, Pauly pretended to be the “Jersey Shore” house’s answering machine. And get this - Jeff fell for it! He began leaving his best apology voicemail for Snooks when… “Press one for JWoww. Press two for Snooki...” Naturally, Jeff pressed two. After messing with him a little while longer, Pauly finally told him off. Send roses to the house. Send pickles. No - fried pickles! (Of course, he had to shout into the receiver.) (Sidenote: Fried pickles began trending on Twitter shortly after this exchange.) That night at the club, Pauly D ran into an old friend. It was Danielle, the stalker from season one who threw a drink in Pauly’s face earlier this season. With his eyes open and his guard up, he asked her back to the house in the spirit of not holding grudges. However, the rest of the cast wasn't so willing to forgive and forget. Vin yelled “Stalker!” at Danielle when he saw her in the house. “What are you doing here?” he asked with a straight face. Despite donning the iconic T-shirt Danielle made for him during season one, Pauly eventually walked her out. Why she didn’t get up and leave after Vinny’s stork joke is beyond me. And, true to form, Ron and Sam were bickering with each other once again. Like we didn’t see that one coming. Can someone please explain what the word “done” means to the two of them?! It’s getting exhausting. What did you think of last night’s episode? |
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Our daily cheat-sheet for breaking celebrity news, Hollywood buzz and your pop-culture obsessions.
Aguilera (con't): I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country & the true spirit of it's anthem still came through" 5:34 am UTC, February 7 2011
Christina Aguilera statement (after flubbing the National Anthem): "I got so lost in the moment of the song that I lost my place."#Superbowl 5:33 am UTC, February 7 2011
@SchweppsRocka good catch! 1:30 am UTC, February 7 2011
Your reviews recapped: lights good, sound bad. Everybody loves Usher #SuperBowl #halftime 1:26 am UTC, February 7 2011
Usher can fly! #SuperBowl #halftime 1:17 am UTC, February 7 2011
Marquee's lists to follow:
PaulyD's answering machine message was so funny!
Sammi wears the same shorts almost everyday. And Howard Stern's voice, face and body remind me of a gangly teenager.
its a shame when so much other thongs to blog about..........
Do guys really find snooki attractive? Or it's all for the show? I hope it's for the show; because that short thing is too nasty to even be near.
this season is lame after the first couple episodes. Roger that!
Ehhh..the show is getting boring. I'm sick and tired of Ronnie and Sammie fighting. Same old drama from both of them. I used to like Snooki somewhat and excused her stupidity but she doesn't seem to have any class and her stupidity is NOT an act. I pretty much think she is just plain stupid and don't have much in that brain of hers. More water on her brain it seems like. Unless I missed something but Jeff didn't do anything wrong and she treated him bad just because he was engaged at one time or something like that. She should have been lucky he even gave her the time of day because she is not all that. Her personality sinks and she is fat and somewhat ugly with all the makeup and tan. As for the stalker, well she just proved that she is still a stalker and now a dumb a** for even talking to Pauly after all he said about her. Yeap the show is getting old and I'm not into it anymore. Season one was better.
hey how did the jenny craig work out for you and D?
IBeautiful Vixen took the words right out of my mouth! I agree 110%
I dnt agree that the show is gettn boring, but I def agree witchu about Snookie.. how in the hell does she have the rght 2 treat any1 like that? Jus bcus shes fat & sum what unattractive is not the issue. Even if she was beautiful it still wuldnt make it betta. SHE shulda Ben thankful that dude wntd 2 date her.. I'M JUS SAYIN...(in my Snookie voice.. oh & Ron needs 2 really dump that stupid insecure ass Sammy... I'm gettn exhausted wit those 2..
snookie looks like a oompa loompa to me
I think Snookie needs Jenny Craig !! and then rehab
I agree that the show is getting boring. I think they should make some cast changes. I think they should replace JWOW, Ronnie and Deena with new people. They are all boring and add nothing to the show. Also, has anyone else noticed how little the Situation has been on this season? He is an idiot, but fun to watch.
ya sitch is on less cause he is busy in the closet with his boyfriend.
can't we just all get along- and by the way snookie has a weight problem. u should not make fun of her because of her hippo like appearence.
cant we just all get along bro !! and get snookie to deal with her weight problems.
Snooki's said this is her favorite song:
Snookie should do ads for the Betty Ford Clinic.
I think the show is funny and I think all of the people saying how horrible it is should stop watching it and stop reading blogs about it. I think snookie and deena are funny, and I love jwoww! The show has some boring parts but they always win me over by the end of the show.
Since your a "shore" fan im sure the thought never crossed your mind (or any thought for that matter) that we are here because its a slow news day. If there were more coverage of meaningfull topics we wouldn't get bored and come rain on your "Ignorant Day" parade...
@cam. 'same on you'? Who is spelling words wrong now? Or were you being 'ironical'? I think you meant Shame on you. But nice try
@cam again... didn't see it at first. 'Intellegent' is also spelled incorrectly.
@Josh – you spell it intelligent, but nice try....
Never seen it. I see enough of those low lifes in the summer. I'm acutally from the jersey shore and any local will tell you, bennies go home
Is this the real John hein?
Wrap up show is the best dude.
Yup. That date of 2012 sounds about right. These people are nothing but white trash that think they're Italians. The turd I'm looking at floating in the toilet bowl has more class than these lowlifes.
Mine are sinkers.
The whole cast should do an ad for Valtrex!
HAHAHA best comment ever!
No, they should do a promo for essure...
I love how all the people in these comments hate this show, but clicked on the article to read it. I am a 50 something year old women who loves this show. I sit down, remove my brain and just laugh, It's great when you've had a horrible day and you can sit and watch and laugh. That is what they made it for. If you're looking for true drama and intellect you've turned into the wrong show.
Ummm no, they made the show to make money ... dont think to hard you might hurt yourself!
i agree jersey shore makes me laugh and is mindless fun.
It's think *too* hard. You'd be wise to heed your own advice, YAW.
Awful show full of awful airheads. What has TV become?
The show sucks and only those with below average IQ scores derive pleasure from it! Im willing to bet a large majority of the hits to this site today are from people who are bored and are waiting for more coverage of the Egypt conflict since, unlike "Jersey Shore", the conflict actually matters in the grand scheme of things.
Believe me there aer plenty of ABOVE average intelligence folks who watch and derive pleasure from this......The crisis in Egpyt is something totally separate. News vs entertainment. You may not like the Shore, but its JUST a TV show
I always told myself I would never watch, then I made the mistake of doing it. Now I'm hooked! I am not below average intelligence, there is just something about watching people make fools of themselves that is entertaining lol. The Ronnie, Sam debacle is getting old though, I don't like either of them, but sad to say I would rather have Ronnie stay...and I hate that guy!! Better than having some dumb broad moping around though )
You're an idiot or ghey if Jwoww's cans aren't enough to make you watch.
I never understood why people take time out of their lives to comment on things that don't even interest them. If you have cable TV with a digital box there are probably over 300 other things on TV at the time Jersey Shore is on......If you watched the first season and the miami one, this one is very similar. If your a fan then it usually does not disappoint, if your not a fan (I can easily see why some people HATE it) then its very simple, TURN THE CHANNEL!!!!
Oh and JADE,,,seriously the comments aren't even funny (if thats what ur aiming for)....Ronnie and Mike are CERTAINLY not banging eachother (closet bi, I don't know, maybe) but come on, banging on MTV. That would be the TOP story.
What is a snooki?
You really dont want to know!!!
My doctor just removed one. Then he gave me a long lecture about condoms.
I think the almost 9 million viewers who watch this show are the stars. It is a cross of Friends and Sienfeld (a show about nothing) but in real time.
Any retard that watches this show deserves the drop in IQ they get. Get out and get some fresh air people... this is truly a pathetic show with loser fans.
Love the show.....what was up ron's ass......sammie didn't do anything......I cant wait to see next weeks episode
At first I loved Sammy and hated Ronnie for what he did to her. But she needs to let it go, if she wants to be with him, she needs to get over it! If she can't, then move the f&*% on. She is sooooo annoying now and I actually feel bad for Ronnie, she acts like a teenager and needs to grow up. I'm not saying I like Ronnie, because he is a slimeball, but DAMN, she needs to let go. She can't do anything without him right by her and if she isn't having fun and he is, she starts a fight. I AM SO OVER HER LITTLE GIRL DRAMA, I really hope she decides to leave!! I could go on all day about how ,uch she irks me now, but I will be nice (and don't have the time)
OMG! Are u kiddn me? Sam is bad and trash and shoud not have frends. She always talkn trash. Such a droma queen. Shell prolly go to hell
I'm sure Situation could get a gig doing commercials for the ab roller or something like that.
I was just happy that last night's episode did not feature the "Situation" showing his abs in their club of choice for the evening, I am also waiting for Sammie/ "Sweatheart" (although in all three seasons no one has called her "sweetheart" ever) to finally be done and leave the house because I am tired her cry baby antics, seeing her wear those same white short shorts/skirt and black tank top over and over again, and as the situation put it "Straightening hair that is already straight????" The bottom line is, that show, yes, my guilty pleasure would be just fine with Situation, Pauly D, Snookie and J-Woww and no one would even miss the other idiots....
Vinnie is alright...but yeah, I totally agree with you. Apparently Sammie leave next week.......finally!!!!! But the other remain for Season 4......saw a picture of them in Italy....
Ha ha, your right about Sammie's outfits. What is up with that? Why does she always wear those shorts? change it up girl.
Ooh, and MVP could do some charitable work by bringing attention to those non-profits that remove land-mines from former war zones.
Snookie looks like the dragon from Shrek.
I like when the first show aired they are all driving BMWs. How can it be the same show when they are so much richer. You can tell they do not give a crap about the T shirt job and take advantage. That dude prob just has them there for the publicity. It can't be the same show as when they were poor.
Im not black, but let's leave the n-word out of the discussion/comments. There is no reason for that. Just shows the ignorance that breeds in the shallow gene pools people like the cast of Jersey Shore emerged from. As for the people who don't understand why people who do not like the show and comment on the blog, for me its something to skim over while taking a d*mp as well as reading the collective idiotic comments.
Lets leave the ignorant racist comments out of the discussion please. Black or not, its not welcome here. I'm sure most would agree. Thanks.
ignorance is bred around people like the cast of Jersey Shore and most of its viewers. Not all, but most.
Snookie=Poop that lived
hey man .. what do u have against star wars.. lets keep the focus on the fat chicks.
I cant stand snooki!!!! Blah Blah Blah! Why does this show even exist?? Give me a show and ill entertain ya just as well as they can!
why would all these people who say they hate this show go out of thier way to read this article and THEN post about how they feel. Obviously you don't hate them or the show, you hate yourselves and your lack of success in your own miserable lives, and it really does show how miserable you all must be with all the hateful posts about snookie and the others... Go out and making something out of your own lives and leave the ones that already have made something out of thier lives alone already..damn
hey dude the problem is u can only get fat chicks and that is why to complain about the snookie haters.
I cant stand Snookie!!! Blah Blah Blah!! Why does this show even exist?? Give me a show and Ill entertain ya better than they can!!! Their show is ridiculous!
Stephanie Goldberg, do your research if your memory doesn't serve you. Whitney Port works for Zeno. That's like saying Bill Cosby worked for Yoplait.
are you talking to me? cause ive watched their show once in my life.. and it was stupid! I cant stand snookie cause she thrives for attention constantly being in the headlines.
Is this really where we are? Young people of America(tm), please take heed:
Study in high school, graduate, go to college, study hard, work hard, expend gallons of blood sweat and tears fashioning a life and a career for yourself......and still earn much less in one year that that utterly terrifying orange monstrosity known as Snooki earns per episode of this deplorable show. And sheer ignorance is the beast that put her there.
Horrible, self-serving drunken fools like this shouldn't be held up as an example for anyone to follow, much less given a single second of air time anywhere. For your own sakes, turn off MTV because there's absolutely nothing to be learned there, except for blatant examples of how NOT to conduct yourself in the real world the rest of us live in.
Without exaggerating, this is one of the most viewed shows on TV. For the life of me, I cannot understand it. Is it because of the trainwreck factor? But before I get my a** singed, it's not like I am condemning or judging this spectacle without watching. I endured a single episode of Jersey Shore, just enough for me to openly weep for our future.
The youth of this nation have the power to change this, if only you would.
man, snooki looks fugly in this picture
and that's differant from alll the time because....?
I'm trying to understand why I'd leave my house on a work/school at 10'o'clock at night in 20 degree weather , leaving my children in the house alone is better than sitting in bed watching JS
What the heck are you talking about? You leave your kids at home along so you don't have to watch Jersey Shore? Uuuuh....ok whatever.
*work/school night
Sammie, please wear something besides shorts. Yes, we get that you have nice legs, but seriously, change it up girl.
What on earth are you talking about? Keep smokin that pipe girl!!
The show begins with the 4 ft tall Ronnie making a visit to his proctoligst and they forgot to mention the cause of the problem is the situation in the next bed feet away. I think the sitch came out of the closet and Ronnie is paying the price.
Jabba you hit it right on the mark! That was hella funny!
You could always just...I dont know...turn off the TV???
Lmao!! I don't think Jade is a girl. I think its a guy because she/he is always talking about h*mos and g@ys on these blogs. I think this person is crying to come out of the closet.
do u mean jade or the real jade. get your story straight.. are u a fat chick too?
I think the Jersey Shore brings an element of entertainment to an otherwise boring lifestyle. I applaud MTV for their risktaking endeavors.
what are you talking about risk taking. MTV has been showing ho mo's on TV for years.. that is why these young kids are so screwed up.. The average american does not like to see teen boys kissing.. but mtv does and so does your sort.
It was a joke!
no worries sitch. stay on the topic on fat chicks.
I've watched the show maybe twice, and didn't really focus on the details of it. But my reasons for watching was the hype at first and second because if you want to understand SOME people today (17-25, my age range) you have to see what they are interested in. Jersey Shore is like crack, we know it exists and people use it, we just don't really understand why till we listen to the users.
Love Pauly D's answering machine prank. Even better that the dumb a** actually fell for it. Sam and Ron breaking up- they really need to, too many fights. Just hope Sam doesnt leave the house like it showed in the preview for the next show.
I don't know about all this. Yes it is a stupid show but stupid shows always seem to get the best ratings. Why bother complaining when it's not going to get you anywhere.
My comment was in response to the previous poster stating we should be outside getting fresh air instead of watching JS
This is stupid!
Yeah man, last night I had a grenade in my room and my bro Pauly D took one for the team...again.
I think Ronnie should do an ad for rehab. I saw him at a bar in MN last summer and he was doing blow in the bathroom, and hammered, obviously.
Ya mon. That is not all ronny is doing the bathroom. Look at his little trip to the doctor and the finger up his ....... we can thank the situation for that one. put two and two together. last week angelina came on CNN and stated sitch is bi. and now his room mate has bleeding in the ........ ya blow.. haha..
Hey Sitch,
If I come to the shore, will you take me out?! Check out my pics at http://www.whitehouse.com
People actually watch that show?! I am so happy I do not pown a TV.
People actually watch that show?! I am so happy I do not own a TV.
Can't stand Sammy. she needs to grow up the only smart thing she has done on the show is apologize to jenni. snooki exaggerated on the whole thing with the promise/engagement thing. don't think she'll get better. can't wait till Sammy shows her truecolors on next show she trys to act so perfect let's not forget she hooked with mike.
I know right. Everything u say is soooo true. We should be frends.
All of this commentary has been fantastic...you know...fat chicks, people who can't spell, people who think they can spell but can't, dudes coming out of closet, people on this blog coming out of the closet, blow, rehab, fat chicks who belong on star wars, new jersey trash, and I almost forgot...fat chicks (oh wait I already mentioned that one). I could go on but I think I'm going to shoot myself now! Thanks!
Honestly if you don't like the show then don't watch it. The only reason you guys post negative comments is because you are jealous that they have fame. I'm not a fan of them either but I'm okay with it because they act so immature. That snooki chick needs to loose weight and stop trying to be the center of attention by doing stupid things. Same goes for Dina. Also Sammi needs to grow up and stop bringing up the past. She has to realise she is wrong and just leave Ron live his life.
what are u talking about. Ron left his chick for the situation.. the evidence is the proctoligist visit !!
Holy Sh&t! It's Jesus!
Snooki IS a big hairy SMOOSH SMOOSH!!
Snooki has probably the worst haircut ever
whats wrong with fat chicks? I like a woman with some meat on her bones, those ones usually cook and clean for you!
Hey fat chicks need loving too. how many of these jersey shore dudes do u see with fat chicks.. even drunk they can view them as grenades. to each their own... more cushin less pushin..
I think the commentary on this has been fantastic! Love all of the topics..you know...Fat Chicks, people who can't spell, people who think they can spell but can't, fat chicks, blow, rehab, dudes coming out of the closet, people on this blog coming out of the closet, moms who leave their children alone to watch this, fat chicks, fat chicks who belong on star wars, valtrex, white trash, and oh....fat chicks.
I'd go on but I think I'm going to jump off a bridge now...thanks!
The best gift for this cast is Antibuse.
Aw. Guys, really? Snooki isn't that ugly- she just looks like a normal, chubby, cute little chick. Man... all this hate. Poor snooks.
I hope everyone on this turd of show dies ass aids
Ahhhh I can't wait til the Season 3 dvd comes out!! It sucks to not have cable!!
hair gel and condoms.
I havent seen this season at all... i did watch the 1st and 2nd season... i dont see why everyone is hating on the show... wow you dont like it... that doesnt mean others can... and for the ppl who are hating on fat girls and snookie... what gives you the right 2 put others down... are you seriously that miserable with your life that you have to put others down... i understand the whole freedom of speech but come on... putting others down for watching a tv show or being fat or gay or whatever... just grow up...
snookie is very pretty for being a short thick chick... i am short and thick myself... so plz stop hating... and to top all off its funny that all the haters are making the jersey shore and snookie and fat chicks and gays the center of their whole world...
Diane, it is ok if you describe yourself as a thick chick. the other name is fat chick.. hey u love snookie and she calls fat chicks grenade launchers.. that is a step below grenade.. So take a break from your crusade on gays and fat chicks and attack your jersey shore low lifes.
Of course Snooki is the center of my world ... I'm stuck in orbit around her fat a**.
Funny they keep removing my not so call sweet comments to fat @$$ jade and keep the comment from the b^tc^ that impersonate me. I know its you jade. @sam you hit the nail right on the head about jade.
T- rex. let it go. u know I put you in your place last week. and we know why your a situation fan.. you people stick together.
I think you a g ay man too T-rex. leave the poor girl alone.
Damn some of you posters are as ignernt as the lamebrains on the show. Can't spell and too stupid to live.
I like how you are talking about people who can't spell yet you spell ignorant wrong. Get a dictionary. You sound like an idiot now!
I love jersey shore.screw all you haters!
Just leave already, Sam. Nobody can stand you and your ego. Hopefully Ronnie will be DONE for good this time. As for Snookie dissing the poor guy for basically being in love before, beggars shouldn't be choosy. She fusses when nobody wants to "smash" her and when someone finally does, she rejects the "kid".
These people are ridiculously entertaining. Love watching the show. Can't wait for Sammie to leave so I can watch the show without wanting to slap her in the face.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up;
2. When the stars fall, losing their luster;
3. When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);
4. When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;
5. When the wild beasts are herded together (in human habitations);
6. When the oceans boil over with a swell;
7. When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like);
8. When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -
9. For what crime she was killed;
10. When the Scrolls are laid open;
11. When the sky is unveiled;
12. When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat;
13. And when the Garden is brought near;-
14. (Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward.
15. So verily I call to witness the Planets – that recede,
16. Go straight, or hide;
17. And the Night as it dissipates;
18. And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness;-
19. Verily this is the word of a most honorable Messenger,
20. Endued with Power, held in honor by the Lord of the Throne,
21. With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust.
22. And (O people!) your companion is not one possessed;
23. And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon.
24. Neither doth he withhold grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen.
25. Nor is it the word of a satan accursed.
26. When whither go ye?
27. Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds:
28. (With profit) to whoever among you wills to go straight:
29. But ye shall not will except as Allah wills,- the Cherisher of the Worlds.
u should go give your alah a visit and leave this place
It's not the time to be sober, now that the idiots are taking over
One word for this group of people, disgusting.
I read a few months back on a website that someone who works on the set of jersey shore knows for a fact someone in the house has been buying COCAINE ! ! thats why THE SITUATION is more skinny this season AND if you pay close attention he is always rubbing his nose or snifffing alot! lol i think its funny but i do love the show
All i know is i don't like n * g s and snookie is a n * g want to be in a orange tan body. My brother is gay and so am I. So what? You have a problem with that?
So I hang out with gay men all the time. my dad and brother are gay. I don't like gay n * g s though. Hell I don't like n * g s period!
My dad just came in my room. Its time to get it on. my brother will join in the fun. oh fun with dick and jane but in this case its fun with dick n jane n another dick..lol yummy yummy
Jersey shore ass pore creme de mint
Jersey shore is pure entertainment. Now I know people have their own opinions about what they see as "entertainment" but calm down, it's only 35min of chuckles.(If u forward the 50+ commercials)
Really people watch this stupid crap.
And even more stupid people who claim to hate it click links to read about it...
yea, they have fame for absolutely no reason. for fake baking in a tanning bed 24/7 and arguing constantly? oooh what a t.v. show ya got there! i see an emmy! what's wrong with people?
Sammi & Ronnie have got to stop –too toxic ! Snooki is just round – not fat,she has a tiny waist ! She was on the Wendy Williams show a couple of weeks ago & was very calm,poised,classy & sober & said she wants to be taken more seriously & wanted to be called Nicole. She is making plenty of money so she is doing something right. I like the show, look forward to them going to Italy
Doesn't anyone know how to use spell check? It's bad enough that most bloggers don't know how to spell, but all they need to do is click a button so that don't make complete fools of themselves. Also, another thing that irritates me is very few people know the difference between to, too & two, their, there & they're, and its & it's. Didn't we learn this in 3rd grade?
Face it people! Half of you watch the show which is how you all know what each of them look like, how they act and all of your silly reasonings why you dont like certain people or the show in general. I personally do not like Snooki because I have YES watched 2 episodes this season and dont care for her or what she stands for. As far as the fat jokes, thats just mean people. What ever happened to not wanting to "hurt" peoples feelings. Come on now! And NO im not "fat" or "thick" or whatever yall want to call it because im sticking up for them. Just trying to do whats right and stick up for those that dont deserve the hate people are expressing on them.
your a fat chick.. if u watch the show u know the jesrsy shore cast don't like fat chicks.. they are called grenades.. it is the culture.. it is the show. it is not about feelings.. if u want feelings turn on opra and take off your depends.
If people make fun of fat chicks like Snookie it's wrong, but the shows take on other fat people is correct?
This is CNN news? Really?
I've just recently visited back here after so long, thinking things might be different.
I'm for sure never coming back to CNN.
New York Times for life!!
oh your going be missed.. who are u to judge.
You didn't have to click the link idiot...
HI MIKE. How is the situation?
After seeing southparks episode with snookie my 4 year old happened to catch a peek at he swears a snookie monster is going to get him and steal his cookies. when we were in target there was a book showing her poof on the cover... no joke this kids screamed and ran. he didnt know what it was but it scared him. i wished i couldve obtained the security footage from the store that night. i think his reaction to her is hilarious.
You have raised a very smart young man to recognize a grenade launcher at such a young age !!
I think it's time to boot Sam and Ronnie off the show...Nothing could possible be worse than the constant bickering and yelling between the two...Come on MTV – Adjust the script! Even if it means you have to hire another short cow!
I think snooki is attractive. got a prob with it?
I get it .. u have the beer goggles on or you are attracted to barn animals. no worries.. just wrap it.
Oh, T-Barney! You'd hit it in a New York minute. You'd probably..."dine" out. Some salad, on the side......tossed, perhaps?
If you really think that's attractive it's not a question of whether we have a problem, it's more about YOUR problem!
I always hated when older people would say this country is going to hell because of some of the stuff on t.v. but I'm starting to agree. I hope no younger viewers look at these no talents as role models. Shooting up steroids, getting passed out drunk, sleeping with anything that walks, starting fights over nothing, etc... Is this the best viacom can come up for enertanment. For the record I try my best not to watch is just this garbage is forced through the airwaves.
The other night they had a program on NBC on the history of Walt Disney. Jersey shore came on right after that program and I could see the evidence of what this country has become in the past decades. Ok it is mindless entertainment, but it is the most low class programing on TV. Once in our country values were accepted, but now MTV has programs where teen age boys kiss each other. Bottom line is those who worship these sort of low lives will pay for this one way or another. It is a shame they did not get the chance to see what life was like under Walt Disney.. It was a better world then. . thank you for speaking the truth Mr c.
Walt creeped me out. I'm sure he tried to diddle a teenage Annette F. Probably did.
I came on this sight to express my love for the situation.. Im jealous of Ronny and the sitch.. Im a g ay man and proud of it.
Paullllly D is muhhh man<3
How sad there are so many stupid people in this country, not only to watch the garbage, but to comment on it as well.
that is funny cause u just called yourself stupid. are u sure your name is not t-rex or the real t-rex
@ who the f- cares about your stupid kid and cookie monster stupid b^tch
is jwoww a man? im just sayingg she is very manly and scary(would not wana run into her in a dark alley, she should have crushed sam) kinda looks like the wrestler chyna ... and snookie is a fat little rat cover up your rolls... however the show is amusing i enjoy getting a laugh out of their stupidity
What are you some kind of idiot? You go around and steal people names. First Jade, then the real jade, sam, t rex plus others. you are a sick demented f&&k
hey t rex- i don't know 856 what you are talking about 346 or who u are 0011. my name is really karl.
Someone said, "why would all these people who say they hate this show go out of thier way to read this article and THEN post about how they feel."
I'll let you in on a little secret...the people who clicked this link for the article that don't like the show, most likely did NOT read the article. They just see it as a way to tell the world how much they hate shis show.
I am one of those people. I HATE THIS SHOW!!!
Has anyone seen the Joker? I'm looking for the Joker!!!!
What a joke. Jersey shore – Please spare us! This show is a disgrace. A group of monkeys and other assorted fing morons acting (actually these knuckleheads and unattractive bimbettes ARENT acting, which makes this an even sadder story) THIS garbage is what some ignorant americans watch for entertainment? Good grief. God help this country.
People need to learn how to spell. Honestly, a 3rd grader probably knows how to write better than half of you morons. Go back to school, use a dictionary, or use your damn spell check!
I freakin' love pauly D.. he's guna bethe father of my children snooki! back off b****!!!
Okay, so, I have to say that I used to utterly hate the show. I said I would never watch it and then one day I watched one episode and was hooked. Watching that show is like seeing a train wreck, you can't look away. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. Why pass judgement on those that want/like to watch it? Another thing, those people are idiots, but they're idiots making big bucks and I think that's what has everyone hating them. I'm sure all of you would love to be paid a lot of money to go out every night and party, have your house and hotel rooms paid for you, show up at clubs for appearances, and all you have to do is be filmed and have your life shown and edited to make you look however the producers want you to look.
On a side note, I agree, the show is getting boring and I am getting tired of the whole Ronnie – Sammi situation. They always say it's over... THEN LET IT BE OVER!! The whole house is sick of their crap and so is everyone else watching that show. I keep hoping she'll leave the show, but she doesn't and I just want to punch her, I'm not a fan of Ron, but I like him better then her. Too much drama surrounds her.
The only difference between Jersey Shore and a backwoods Alabama trailer park is the annoying New Jersey accent. Hey a**holes, your 15 minutes of fame are over!
You have to give it to these people. No talents to speak of or palatable personality and yet they are making a decent living. I mean come on, Snooki somehow found a way to become the perfect spokesperson for Kibbles and Bits, Prozac, and every alcoholic beverage on the planet. I finally understand why N.J. is such a small state. Any larger and the U.S. would receive a lethal dose of this ******* ****.
The next best show is skins..this time where two girls kiss each other. That's a whole lot better than 2 guys. Go MTV. PS..snookie please hit the treadmill.
I loved the show at first but now its boring im so tired of sam and ron fighting the last 2 epic were about them fighting so lame anymore they need to get rid of sam so ron ccan go crazy and everyone can have a cup in a glass lol
This show is ridiculous! I dont get the popularity but I guess to each his own!
she looks like a dam pug
I can't believe this turd gets this much attention.
These freaks are a waste of space!
“Jersey Shore” in Italy – Enjoy responsibly! Read it here (http://wp.me/pXsUB-EP)
I think Ron and Sam should just break up and save everyone from annoyance. Love Jwoww...Deena is a hot mess passing out her golden ticket for free to any guido who happens to walk by. Snooks made the right choice in dumping the clinger. and last but not least....VInny..Pauly D and the situation are pure hotness.
@jade, the real jade, t-rex (my name you think you stold), mike isablella.. to the person that are using other people names you are a sad person. I'm guessing you are a bitter black woman that hates her life. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself.
T- rex– we all see u came out of the closet and you hold anger. Let it go. It is ok you are g ay man. not that there is anything wrong with that.. but now that you are out u should let the anger go.
sammi=pee pee poo poo butt
@Jade, t-rex or whatever it is you are calling yourself now, i'm letting it go girl. It seems you don't have much of a life because you seem to be always on these things causing trouble and stealing other people names. Seriously though, seek a doctor's help because you come off as twisted and crazy. I'm also guessing you are are a bitter black woman. You win crazy b^^ch because i'm no match for a sick, demented wack job like yourself. Say whatever you want because I won't be responding to you anymore because I'm not going to feed the fire. Have a nice life and please seek a doctor's help.
piece of crap
Does anybody know where I can find batman?
im sorry, t-rex, for my raging black anger i am bitter because i take it up the @$$ by to many other nigs and im just butt hurt.
how sad. there are people in the world who do not have the privilege of reading, then there are ignorant americans who have the privilege of an education but waste their brain capacity on not only watching a piece of trash television show, but reading the comments related to a piece of trash article.
Robin, Robin!! Did you find Batman?! Did you huh?! lmao!
hey fart man watch out for T-rex cause he likes it in the ...... I heard he likes the golden shower. lol
No, i did not... think i might check Joker's bedroom since he was lookin for Joker...that hussy always sleepin around on me!!
Ummm bet you are also missing your little mask. That little s*ut took that too so he can play his little games with mr smiley! That Joker is known for stealing ones lover right under ones nose! He is such a nasty a$ $ boy.
thats it! im tired of being his butt buddy and i get left behind and never awknowledged! I'm going back to the riddler! His **** feels better bent over anyway!
Robin speaking of butt buddies did you ever hear of a cat who calls himself T-rex.. he could be your butt buddy.. but he is the catcher .. not the pitcher.
Me and maning like this show
Only in America. A place where we poison our entertainment, to then in turn poison our youth. If you're over 18, do as you wish. If you have children, do NOT let them watch this show.
And here comes the ignorance!
There's no irony in your comment. Shocking from a Jersey Shore viewer, really.
You are a loser
And who the hell are you calling a loser? I don't understand why so many people these days are so angry about stupid crap that has nothing to do with them.