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Sunday, 21 November, 2010 - Lineage 2 Vault News

  IGN Promotion: Check out IGN Answers  
Print News

Need an answer to your gaming question? Good! Head on over and check out IGN Answers for all your gaming Q&A; needs. Ask a game related question and get an answer quick.

IGN Answers

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 11:57 PST


Saturday, 2 October, 2010

  2010 Quarter 4 Calendar  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

I left L2Vault a while ago, but I figured since I had this wallpaper done since last January, I would come back and share it with you all. This is my last contribution to L2Vault.

Get the 2010 Quarter 4 Calendar.

(Don’t forget that you can choose your desired resolution from the “Screens” section on the right side of the calendar page.)


-- upirygirl @ 7:48 PST


Thursday, 1 July, 2010

  July 2010 & 2010 Quarter 3 Calendars  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

Two more calendars available for your desktop-decorating pleasure.

The July calendar features a shot of a ship in Rune Harbor. The Quarter 3 calendar features the Orc race. (The Quarter 3 calendar is my personal favorite of the quarterlies.)

Get the July 2010 Calendar.

Get the 2010 Quarter 3 Calendar.

(Don’t forget that you can choose your desired resolution from the “Screens” section on the right side of the calendar page.)


-- upirygirl @ 18:13 PST


Monday, 21 June, 2010

  Wishing Well Stories - June Love is in the Air  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Community News - News

I bring both amazing news and also sad news. The sad news is that this will be the last Wishing Well story I cover for L2Vault. I will continue coverage at L2RPA for those that are fans of the Wishing Well. I want to thank everyone at the Vault for my time here. It was most cherished. I may contribute every now and then for other articles (L2 in the View, Faulty Screenie, ect). The great news however, is that the last Wishing Well Story went out with a blast! Literally! My two clan leaders Merodach and Persephones have gotten engaged in REAL LIFE!! And we congratualted them in Well Fashion :)

June Love is in the Air

To read other Wishing Well reviews please check out the Wishing Well Story Archives

Please visit to learn more about the Wishing Well and the community that surrounds it. All are welcome. ^_^

-- Emirra @ 19:50 PST


Monday, 31 May, 2010

  June 2010 Calendar  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

The June calendar is now available for download! This month's calendar features the tree on Primeval Island.

Get the June 2010 Calendar.

(Don’t forget that you can choose your desired resolution from the “Screens” section on the right side of the calendar page.)


-- upirygirl @ 9:17 PST


Wednesday, 19 May, 2010

  L2Vault is So Quiet  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

If you're a regular visitor of L2 Vault, you've probably noticed that it's gotten very quiet around here. I do apologize for this. Unfortunately, circumstances have made it very difficult for me to continue upkeep of the site.

1313-Evil_Homer of IGN is on the lookout for some help for us, and I'm going to try and post when I can. In the meantime, please bear with us. If you'd like to give us a hand getting the site back to top shape, please send me an email at


-- upirygirl @ 13:09 PST


Friday, 7 May, 2010

  Wishing Well Stories - A Pudent Thief Opens a Chest  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Community News - News

In lieu of my birthday I sent my wonderful "sister" Elita, she ran a little late ((something of a rarity on my part)), but just in time to catch Zaphne sing a hilarious song about a thief that got a royal welcome ;) Leet was also fortunate enough to share my latest creation. The higlight of the evening (or what she caught at least) was Sharlanna showing her appreciation to Clan Tron for finding her new niche. Congratulations to both Sharlanna and Tron, good luck and happy hunts ^_^

To see this week's Wishing Well Review see: A Pudent Thief Opens a Chest

And feel free to read more at our Wishing Well Story Archives

Be sure to check back for more Wishing Well reviews. Please visit to learn more about the Wishing Well and the community that surrounds it. All are welcome. ^_^

-- Emirra @ 19:01 PST


Tuesday, 4 May, 2010

  IGN's Halo Ring Launches  
Print News
We are excited in announcing the launching of our latest site, Halo Ring, for the mega-series by Bungie. So please take a moment to drop by and see what is going on over at the Ring. While there be sure to check out the Halo Ring Wiki section for all your needs and maybe add a bit of your knowledge while you are there. There will also be extensive beta coverage with guides, screenshots and editorials. Time to suit up!

Halo Ring Launches

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 8:47 PST


Monday, 3 May, 2010

  Siege & Territory Reports: May 3, 2010  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News
Castle Siege & Territory War Report

To those who were successful, congratulations! To those who weren't, may luck be with you next time.

May 3, 2010 Siege Report
May 3, 2010 Territory Report

(reports from the May 2 territory wars & the May 3 castle sieges)

If you participated in any of the listed sieges or territory wars, please add your perspective views using the Comment feature or by accessing it directly on the VN boards. (Please keep it as objective as possible and the flames low, but discussion is encouraged!)

Archives: Castle Sieges / Territory Wars


-- upirygirl @ 14:29 PST


Thursday, 29 April, 2010

  May 2010 Calendar  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

The May 2010 calendar is now available for download. The May wallpaper features the Mother Tree in the Worldtree Glade. This earthly beauty is the guardian of the forest and all the creatures which inhabit it.

Get the May 2010 Calendar.

(Don’t forget that you can choose your desired resolution from the “Screens” section on the right side of the calendar page.)


-- upirygirl @ 3:27 PST


Monday, 26 April, 2010

  Siege & Territory Reports: April 26, 2010  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News
Castle Siege & Territory War Report

To those who were successful, congratulations! To those who weren't, may luck be with you next time.

April 26, 2010 Siege Report
April 26, 2010 Territory Report

(reports from the April 24 territory wars & the April 25 castle sieges)

If you participated in any of the listed sieges or territory wars, please add your perspective views using the Comment feature or by accessing it directly on the VN boards. (Please keep it as objective as possible and the flames low, but discussion is encouraged!)

Archives: Castle Sieges / Territory Wars


-- upirygirl @ 14:41 PST


Tuesday, 20 April, 2010

  Wishing Well Stories - Marionettes Bring Giant Changes to a Little Girl  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Community News - News

We had visitors from an afar server! (Ok it was just Phoenix XD ) But I do want to thank Arishmatin and RichardFitswell of Clan Enchanted for joining up. We had a beautiful story of friendship and lost by Zaphne, a deep love poem by Noadiah, and I shared the poem I wrote for clan Enchanted. We also had Richard coem on stage for his debut appearance with a story he wrote, Olorae shared an enchanting work by a local author in her realm, and Dachande shared the chilling "Marionettes" from the DragonLance series! Enjoy the well everyone!

To check out this week's Wishing Well, please see: Marionettes Bring Giant Changes to a Little Girl

To read more reviews, please see our Wishing Well Story Archives

Be sure to check back for more Wishing Well reviews and visit to learn more about the Wishing Well and the community that surrounds it. All are welcome. ^_^

-- Emirra @ 16:30 PST


Monday, 19 April, 2010

  Siege & Territory Reports: April 19, 2010  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News
Castle Siege & Territory War Report

To those who were successful, congratulations! To those who weren't, may luck be with you next time.

April 19, 2010 Siege Report
April 19, 2010 Territory Report

(reports from the April 17 territory wars & the April 18 castle sieges)

If you participated in any of the listed sieges or territory wars, please add your perspective views using the Comment feature or by accessing it directly on the VN boards. (Please keep it as objective as possible and the flames low, but discussion is encouraged!)

Archives: Castle Sieges / Territory Wars


-- upirygirl @ 13:56 PST


Friday, 16 April, 2010

  DiabolicTutor's Class #1 - 1st Lesson!  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News - Blogs

Lesson #1 from DiabolicTutor is here! Fentagin1923 (aka DiabolicTutor of Devianne) has introduced himself with his first blog entry. In this entry, he discusses what he thinks makes Lineage 2 such a great game: clans! Check out his first entry and leave him some feedback in the comments section!

DiabolicTutor's Class #1 - 1st Lesson!


-- upirygirl @ 13:05 PST


Thursday, 15 April, 2010

  50 Fans on Facebook!  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News

We have reached 50 fans on our page at Facebook! I can't tell you how excited I am. When it was first created, I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested, so it's great to see our fan number growing. The official Lineage 2 page is still beating us... by over 39,000 fans... but we can catch up with your help!

Click here to hop on our page, then login (or create an account if you don't already have one!), and click the "Become a Fan" button on our page.

Tell your friends! We'd love your support!

-- upirygirl @ 15:04 PST

Lost Pixy Returns Home!  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News

Our little pixy stumbled home today, tired and hungry. She's been lost for some time and no one had found her. Luckily she found her way home on her own.

When asked where she wandered off to, she said she had wanted to check out some fine art here.

I think this little adventure has shaken her nerves. She needs rest and so I think she won't wander off again... or at least for a few days.


-- upirygirl @ 13:52 PST


Wednesday, 14 April, 2010

  Faulty Screenie - What Happened to My Baby Cougar  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - News

What Happened to My Baby Cougar?

Something is not quite right about the usual look of my baby pet. Did he play in the Swampland? Broke into a dwarf's varnish stash? Or just decided to go for a new look? Guess you'll have to check out the feature page to see what happened!

Check out the archives for more Faulty Screenies like this one! If you have one you'd like to submit, feel free to email me at


-- Emirra @ 16:30 PST

Cool Find: Lineage 2 Coke  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Cool Finds

A few days ago Emirra (from Whishing Well) sent me a email with this Cool Find that she found (^^). Thank you Emirra, I really liked your suggestion.

This is a promotion for Coca-Cola of 2004 from South Korea. The label is decorated with images and game information.

Very cool.

Thanks Emi!

See you all on next Wednesday, players!


-- SasukeAdler @ 14:01 PST


Monday, 12 April, 2010

  Siege & Territory Reports: April 12, 2010  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: L2Vault News - Community News
Castle Siege & Territory War Report

To those who were successful, congratulations! To those who weren't, may luck be with you next time.

April 12, 2010 Siege Report
April 12, 2010 Territory Report

(reports from the April 10 territory wars & the April 11 castle sieges)

If you participated in any of the listed sieges or territory wars, please add your perspective views using the Comment feature or by accessing it directly on the VN boards. (Please keep it as objective as possible and the flames low, but discussion is encouraged!)

Archives: Castle Sieges / Territory Wars


-- upirygirl @ 13:05 PST


Saturday, 10 April, 2010

  Wishing Well Stories - Abbott, Costello, and The Mother Tree Wish for Space  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Community News - News

Huzzah! To another great Wishing Well :) We were lucky enough to share the Well with someone participating in the Tour of Aden Event. Thanks for staying for the show Wulfric ^^. We have a wonderful oldie but goodie by Zaphne, a beautiful poem by Randy Schutte performed Noadiah, a numeric experiment by yours truly and an awesome comedic skit similar to Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?" by Justin Case. Enjoy the show :D.

To see this week's Review visit, Abbott, Costello, and The Mother Tree Wish for Space

To read more Wishing Well Stories check out our Wishing Well Story Archives

Be sure to check back for more Wishing Well reviews. Please visit to learn more about the Wishing Well and the community that surrounds it. All are welcome. ^_^

-- Emirra @ 15:05 PST



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2010 Quarter 4 Calendar
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July 2010& 2010 Quarter 3 Calendars
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