Jura Books

'The Lives Of Mount Druitt Youth' film screening

07/01/2011 - 18:00
07/01/2011 - 22:00

Jura Books


UPDATE: Due to the enthusiastic response, we are planning on showing the documentary at 6pm, then a second time on the night at 7pm, and if necessary, a third time at 8pm!

Preference will be given to those who have RSVP'd already, but we will try to fit everyone in. Please
arrive early to avoid disappointment.

Screenings will be upstairs, followed by discussion downstairs. Light refreshments will be available by donation.

See you on Friday!

Come with film-maker Saad as he explores the face of Mount Druitt never seen by outsiders. A look into the various lives of youth across this misconceived suburb that has built up a notorious reputation of crime and drugs. Saad unravels life stories that go against all the stereotypical branding of the suburb, as the youths tell of their experiences in regards to Money, Drugs, Crime & Social Conflict whilst growing up in an area looked down upon by many.

Jura Books is excited to be screening this documentary. The film will be followed by a discussion, with everyone welcome to contribute their ideas on the film and other questions. What does it mean to be a working class youth in Sydney today? How does race, gender and sexuality fit in? How do we build a revolutionary movement in Sydney for a better world? What roles do the government, police and bosses play, and how should we approach them?

$12 ($10 for unwaged/students). Funds raised will go to maintaining Jura Books, and assisting the film-maker to continue his documentary works.

Jura Books
440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham


Events at Jura

Jura is a radical social space. We put on gigs, films and discussions in order to build a counter-culture outside of (and in opposition to) the capitalist scene. We welcome like-minded groups to put on events in our space. Below is a selection of images from gigs and other Jura events over the last couple of years. Click on any image below to see the full size image or start the slide show (in Firefox). To move between images use the arrow keys or mouse over the images.

Capitalism and its discontents

Capitalism is stumbling, empire is faltering, the floods and cyclones are intensifying. Yet many people are still grappling to understand these multiple crises and to find a way forward to a just future. It is the time to arm ourselves with knowledge and develop the skills we need to make a new world. A good place to start is with the educational events at Jura this month (not to mention hundreds of newly arrived radical books)!

Jura welcomes acclaimed US broadcaster Sasha Lilley, host of the program of radical ideas 'Against the Grain' and editor of the recently published 'Capital and its Discontents: Conversations with Radical Thinkers in a Time of Tumult'. The insights of 'Capital and Its Discontents' get to the heart of the matter about the nature of capitalism and neoliberalism, capitalism's  vulnerabilities and what can we do to hasten its demise. Come and be part of an evening of discussion with Sasha, on capitalism, crisis, utopia and the left. More info at http://www.jura.org.au/node/1448
-> 'Capitalism, Crisis, Utopia and the Left' discussion. 6pm Friday 11 Feb, at Jura. Free!

What types of relationships are needed to build a better world? To what extent can new social media contribute to social change? What does the historical evidence suggest? How can we implement this in our organising today? Jura welcomes Nicholas Harrigan, social network researcher, to facilitate a discussion about the types of relationships that have the potential for positive social change. The starting point for the discussion will be a recent article by Malcolm Gladwell in the New Yorker magazine ‘Small Change’. Participants are encouraged to read the article and bring along their comments and criticisms for the discussion: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell
-> 'Why the revolution will not be tweeted: the importance of strong ties in building of a better world' discussion. 3pm Sat 12 Feb, at Jura. Free!

Anarchist Summer School is here! This three-day educational convergence of ideas and practices will be held from 18-20 February at Jura, Black Rose, Stucco and Leichhardt Library. Anyone is welcome to come and learn and be part of the discussion. There will be dozens of workshops on all sorts of topics - Indigenous struggles, anarchist theory and practice, anarcha-feminism, workers control, postcolonialism, identity politics, insurrectionary anarchism, capitalism, Latin America, patchmaking and printing, and anarchist spaces. There will also be tours of Jura and Black Rose, a film night, tea party and zine fair. And it's all free! Check out the program and register at http://anarchistsummerschool.weebly.com
-> Anarchist Summer School. 18-20 Feb, at Jura, Black Rose and other places. Free!

The Jura Food Buyers' Co-op is excited to be screening FOOD, Inc - a recent documentary that looks inside the corporate controlled food industry. The global food production business delivers enormous profits and power to a handful of multinational corporations. All at the expense of the health of the food, animals, workers and consumers. See http://www.jura.org.au/node/1447 for more info. The Jura Food Co-op provides affordable access to organic vegetables. We offer weekly boxes of fresh fruit and vegies sourced from Alfalfa House in Enmore. If you live nearby, you should get your vegies at Jura. Why? Because you'll be supporting a local food buying alternative and spreading the politics of co-operation. You'll also be getting healthy organic vegies at a very low price, because the Alfalfa people choose the best priced, seasonal vegies and give us an added discount because we're a fellow co-op.
-> Organic food buyers co-op every week! http://www.jura.org.au/foodcoop
-> FOOD, Inc film screening. 6.30pm Fri 25 Feb, at Jura. Suggested donation $5, no-one turned away for lack of funds.

The Workers Solidarity Network meets regularly and would like your involvement.
-> Workers Solidarity Network Meeting, 2pm Sun 27 Feb, at Jura.

Engaging with people who haven't come into contact with the ideas of anarchism before is one of the most important things we do at Jura. Over the last three months people from Jura, Black Rose and other anarchist collectives organised 15 bookstalls across Sydney - from Newtown to Parramatta, Chatswood to Cabramatta, and Bankstown to Hurstville. At these stalls we gave over 5,000 people leaflets on anarchism, sold $1288 worth of books and pamphlets, and had hundreds of honest and productive conversations with interested people. Jura volunteers and friends have been also been hard at work fixing up our shopfront. The shopfront is another important way to reach new people. We've got a glowing new sign, and we've re-painted part of it (red and black of course!). But we need your help to re-paint the upper floor and put up a sign so people can notice us from across the road (the awning still says 'Doctor's Surgery' - from more than 15 years ago!). Please come along to our March Mega working bee - even just for a hour. We'll be doing stuff every afternoon from 2 till 7pm from 2nd March to 6th March. If you can't make it along to help, but would like to support our work, why not make a one-off or regular donation? In exchange for donating $10 per month, you get 20% off anything you buy in the shop - and you're helping to build the revolution!
-> Donate to Jura at http://www.jura.org.au/donate
-> March Mega Working Bee, 2-7pm everyday from 2-6 March at Jura.

Slingshot and Black Wallaby Organisers for 2011 are now on special. Cheaper and better than an iPhone! We don't have all the colours left, but there are still lots to choose from. Not just any diary, they're filled with radical dates from people's struggle, beautiful artworks, and political articles. The small slingshot is now only $4! And the Black Wallaby is also on special - $8!
-> Get your 2011 organiser in the shop or by mail order - just email us at jura@jura.org.au

As always, anyone is welcome to come along to the Jura collective meeting - to get involved or just to have a look at how we run an anarchist space.
-> Jura Collective meeting. 6pm Thurs 10 Feb, at Jura.


Join the loud chorus of protest against the NSW government's sale of electricity retailers and trading rights for generators that will have severe impacts on household bills, the energy workforce and the environment. http://www.jura.org.au/node/1460
-> Stop the Power Sell-off Rally. 11am Sat 5 Feb, top of Martin Place. TOMORROW

Peaceful demonstration to support the Egyptian Revolution. The people of Egypt are not stopping, coming out day after day to demand change, democracy and freedom, despite hundreds being killed and wounded. Join them in solidarity. http://www.jura.org.au/node/1461
-> Support the Egyptian Revolution. 12pm Sat 5 Feb, Martin Place. TOMORROW

Defend WikiLeaks! Support Julian Assange! Free Bradley Manning! Support freedom of speech all Around The World!
-> WikiLeaks Rally. 1pm Sun 6 Feb, at Sydney Town Hall.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day! The theme for the Sydney rally is around pay equity under the slogan, 'Equal Pay: Big Changes not Small Change'. The march will be followed by a festival at First Fleet Park. For more info and to help spread the word, check out:
-> International Women's Day march and rally. 12pm Sat 12 March, at Sydney Town Hall.

Join hundreds of people in a fun, peaceful, and effective action against Australia's single biggest contribution to climate change. We'll be occupying Newcastle Harbour, and preventing the passage of coal ships. At the last three blockades we successfully stopped all ship movements in the harbour for the entire day, and no-one was arrested. There'll be plenty happening on the shore too. Enjoy live music, inspiring speeches... and the marching band! Good food will be available by donation. If you want to travel up to Newcastle with some friends from Jura, drop us an email. Moreinfo: http://www.jura.org.au/node/1459

-> People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Port. 10am onwards, Sun 13 March, at Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle.

Love and rage from the Jura Collective.

440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham
9550 9931

Friend us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jura.books
Please tell your friends about Jura!

Opening Hours:

Wednesday 2 - 7pm
Thursday 2 - 7pm
Friday 2 - 7pm
Saturday 12 - 5pm
Sunday 12 - 5pm

March Mega Working Bee

02/03/2011 - 14:00
06/03/2011 - 19:00



Jura volunteers and friends have been been hard at work fixing up our shopfront. The shopfront is an important way to reach new people. We've got a glowing new sign, and we've re-painted the ground-floor shopfront (red and black of course!). But we need your help to re-paint the upper floor and put up a flat sign so people can see us from across the road (the awning still says 'Doctor's Surgery' - from more than 15 years ago!). Please come along to our March Mega working bee - even just for a hour. We'll be doing stuff every afternoon from 2 till 7pm from 2nd March to 6th March. If you can't make it along to help, but would like to support our work, why not make a one-off or regular donation? In exchange for donating $10 per month, you get 20% off anything you buy in the shop - and you're helping to build the revolution!

-> March Mega Working Bee, 2-7pm everyday from 2-6 March at Jura.

Jura collective meeting - all welcome

10/02/2011 - 18:00
10/02/2011 - 20:00



Come help us run the place. All welcome!

Capitalism, Crisis, Utopia & the Left

11/02/2011 - 18:00
11/02/2011 - 20:00

Jura Books


Jura is excited to host an evening discussion with acclaimed US broadcsater Sasha Lilley, host of the program of radical ideas Against the Grain and editor of 'Capital and its Discontents Conversations with Radical Thinkers in a Time of Tumult', recently published by PM Press. Join us for an evening of discussion of capitalism, crisis, and the left.

Capitalism is stumbling, empire is faltering, and the floods and cyclones are intensifying. Yet many people are still grappling with understanding these multiple crises and to find a way forward to a just future. Into the breach come the insights of Capital and Its Discontents, which cut through the gristle to get to the heart of the matter about the nature of capitalism and neoliberalism, capitalism's vulnerabilities at this conjuncture and what can we do to hasten its demise.

Through a series of incisive conversations with some of the most eminent thinkers and political economists on the Left including David Harvey, Ellen Meiksins Wood, Mike Davis, Leo Panitch, Tariq Ali, and Noam Chomsky, Sasha Lilley's Capital and Its Discontents illuminates the dynamic contradictions undergirding capitalism. The left luminaries in Capital and Its Discontents look at potential avenues out of the mess as well as wrong turns and needless detours drawing lessons from the inner workings of capitalism, the history of post-colonial states in the Global South, struggles against imperialism past and present, the eternal pendulum swing of radicalism, the corrosive legacy of postmodernism, and the potentialities of the radical tradition.

This discussion evening is FREE!

UPDATE: Sasha will also be on Workers Radio on Radio Skid Row - 88.9FM. Thursday morning from 8.10am to 8.40am. Check it out! http://www.radioskidrow.org/

FOOD, Inc. Food co-op film screening

25/02/2011 - 18:30
25/02/2011 - 20:30

Jura Books


The Jura Food Buyers' Co-op is excited to be screening FOOD, INC - a recent documentary that looks inside the corporate controlled food industry. The global food production business delivers enormous profits and power to a handful of multinational corporations. All at the expense of the health of the food, animals, workers and consumers.

6.30pm, Friday 25 February.
Suggested donation $5, no-one turned away for lack of funds.


A leaflet for the event can be downloaded here:

Sydney Anarchist Summer School

18/02/2011 - 00:00
20/02/2011 - 23:59

Jura, Black Rose and other venues to be confirmed


Sydney Anarchist Summer School will be an educational conference and convergence happening on the 18th-20th February 2011, at Jura Books, Black Rose Books and other community venues in Sydney (to be confirmed). Anyone is welcome to come and learn and be part of the discussion.

The summer school is being organised by a collective of people with backgrounds in radical reading groups and student environmental groups, and various anarchist collectives in Sydney.

There will be three days of workshop and forums on different aspects of anarchist theory and practice. Some current topics that are proposed are: classical and modern anarchist theory, autonomous Marxism, the overlap and differences between anarchism and socialism, mutual aid, anarchist influence and involvement in social movements, and different streams of anarchist thought and action.

The organising collective would like to hear your ideas on what you would like to see happen at the convergence, what topics you would be keen to learn about, and to invite you to submit workshops that you can run. You can submit your ideas and workshop plans by emailing anarchistsummerschool [at]gmail.com or by submitting a short form at

Interested folks are also invited to join the organising collective. The collective meets weekly to organise things like venue, program content and workshops, and food.

On the final day of Summer School, anarchist groups and collectives are invited to an assembly on the anarchist movement in Australia, where groups can exchange ideas and plan new ways of working together in the future.

And it's all FREE!

See you in February!


The Lives Of Mount Druitt Youth

"Living in Mount Druitt isn't as bad as it's made out to be."

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