The Lives Of Mount Druitt Youth

"Living in Mount Druitt isn't as bad as it's made out to be."

"Sometimes you are forced into crime. But you have reasons for
doing what you do. You've got to eat, or you've got to get clothes on
your back. Some of the boys have been kicked out of home. They've got to
do crime."

"My cousin's always in and out of jail. She's a drug addict. She can't help it."

"I've got a lot of friends and family in lock-up. But I still believe those people are good people."

"We've always had a great group of mates who stick together."

"I've been working for the last 8 years. Haven't really had a steady job, but I've always had a job. Just trying to do me best."

"Being a wog you don't know if you mix with the islanders or the
aussies. But when you grow up you get to know who your true friends are,
so you don't really worry about the race or the skin colour."

"One good thing I like about living out here is that you never have
nuffin handed to you. Your parents work hard to give you what they can
and you respect them for that. Some people over in the North Shore turn 18 and get given BMWs and Mercedes Benzs. We never have any of that. You work for what you get."

Jura is pleased to be screening a new Australian film that documents the voices of Mount Druitt youth.
Come with film-maker Saad as he explores the lives of youth across this
misconceived suburb that has a notorious reputation for crime and
drugs. This documentary is not explicitly political or left, but it
gives a fascinating perspective on the realities of growing up working
class in Sydney today. The film will be followed by critical discussion.
Cost: $12 ($10 for unwaged/students).
Space is limited to 50 people. Please RSVP on facebook or by emailing to secure your place.
--> Lives of Mount Druitt Youth screening, 6pm, Friday 7 Jan 2011.

There's still time to do some last minute end-of-year gift shopping
at Jura. Support a radical project and get awesome presents at the same
We have heaps of new books, DVDs and t-shirts to choose from.
We also have beautiful gift vouchers available. Or you could give
someone the gift of being a Jura supporter - donating $10 per month to
Jura gets the supporter a permanent 15% discount on everything in the
--> Last minute present shopping. Jura will be open 2-5pm on
Wednesday 22 Dec and Thursday 23 Dec. We'll be closed on 24 December for
holidays and will re-open on 5 January.

Get yourself organised for 2011 with a Slingshot or Black Wallaby Organiser.
These aren't just any diary, they're filled with radical dates from
people's struggle, beautiful artworks, and political articles. Jura
heaps of colours and sizes for you to choose from, ranging from $7 to
--> Get a 2011 organiser at Jura, at one of our stalls, or via mail order (email us to order).

The anarcho stalls around Sydney have been going brilliantly. You can catch the last ones this week.
--> Anarcho stalls around Sydney. 1-6pm Wed 22 Dec at Cabramatta. 1-6pm Thurs 23 Dec at Parramatta. 12-5pm Fri 24 Dec at Hurstville.

Anarchist Summer School is coming! An educational conference
and convergence is being organised for Sydney in February. There will be
workshops and forums on different aspects of anarchist theory and
practice. The organising collective would like to hear your ideas on
what you would like to see happen at the convergence, what topics you
would be keen to learn about, and to invite you to submit workshops that
you can run.
--> Anarchist summer school in February. Submit your ideas and
workshop plans by emailing or by

The Jura Food buyer's co-op keeps on providing fresh, organic fruit and vegies every week at bargain prices. Yum!
--> Jura food co-op. Order in advance at Jura, and pick up on Fridays or Saturdays.

Come and help improve Jura Books. We would love you to come to our
meeting and/or working bee in January. We want to brighten up the shop
front, fix leaking taps and improve the building's fire safety. You're
welcome to come along for an hour or the whole weekend!
--> Jura collective meeting, 2pm Sat 22 Jan 2011.
--> Jura working bee, 12-5pm Sat 22 Jan 2011 and 12-5pm Sun 23 Jan 2011.  

Love and rage from the Jura Collective.

440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham
9550 9931

Friend us on Facebook:

Please forward this email to your friends and tell them about Jura!

Opening Hours:

Wednesday 2 - 7pm
Thursday 2 - 7pm
Friday 2 - 7pm
Saturday 12 - 5pm
Sunday 12 - 5pm

Jura will be closed from Friday 24 December until Tuesday 4 January. We will re-pen as normal on Wednesday 5 January.