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Premium Features

Our free features are what makes WordPress.com such a great community,
but we offer these optional upgrades to really help you stand out from the pack. Upgrades are priced per year.

Be the master of your domain ($12 – $17/yr)

Custom domainYour WordPress.com blog address is a sure sign of style, but what happens when you really get serious about controlling your online identity? It’s easy to add your own domain name, like example.com, to your existing WordPress.com blog. Or if you already have your own domain name, it’s easy to transfer it to your WordPress.com blog.

Extra Storage ($19.97 – $289.97/yr)

Space upgradeIf you find yourself running out of space, it’s easy to add more storage to your blog. You can add 5, 15, 25, 50, or 100 gigabytes to your blog, so you’ll have all the room you need to host tons of photos, videos, and music.

Custom CSS ($14.97/yr)

If you know your way around a cascading style sheet, you can really put a personal touch on your WordPress.com blog. Or use the Custom CSS upgrade with our Sandbox theme to create an entirely new design.

VideoPress ($59.97/yr)

Introducing VideoPress for WordPress.com

Introducing VideoPress for WordPress.com

This movie requires Adobe Flash for playback.

Sometimes, you just have to say it with video. It’s a great way to add a little liveliness to your blog. With VideoPress, it’s simple—just upload your video and we’ll convert it to the right formats for sharing on the web (including an HD option for high definition video). We’ll present your videos in great style, with a minimalist player design that won’t get in the way or clash with your blog’s design. Adding VideoPress to your blog will instantly turn your blog’s RSS feed into a video podcast you can drop right in to any podcast player such as Miro or iTunes.

To the right: an example of VideoPress in action. Turn on HD for the full experience!

Go Ad-Free ($29.97/yr)

From time to time, we display text ads on your blog to logged-out users who aren’t regular visitors. Doing this allows us to keep bringing you the free features you love. However, if you’d prefer your readers didn’t see ads, you have the control to turn them off.

Unlimited users ($29.97/yr)

The free limit of 35 users per private blog is enough for most people, but if you’re Unlimited users building a private site that will have a large community or if you’re a large organization, buying this upgrade is the way to go.

Digging it?

Sign up for a blog with us, or check out our great free features.