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This is a collection of stats from around WordPress that we’ve decided to share with the world because there’s no good reason not to.

There are over 32 million WordPress publishers as of December 2010: 16 million blogs hosted on WordPress.com plus 16.7 million active installations of the WordPress.org software.

The following numbers are for WordPress.com hosted blogs only – they do not count self-hosted WordPress.org blogs (because we can measure WordPress.com blogs using our own stats system, whereas self-hosted WordPress installations use a variety of their own systems to track their stats).

How many people publish blogs on WordPress.com?
There are 16 million blogs hosted on WordPress.com as of December 2010.

We have more detailed charts on daily new blogs, users, and deletions.

How many people read blogs on WordPress.com?
WordPress.com blogs are very popular. According to Quantcast, over 260 million people worldwide visit one or more WordPress.com blogs every month, and they view over 2.3 billion pages on those blogs each month.

Here is some more detail on recent daily pageviews.

Where in the world is WordPress.com used?
We host WordPress blogs written in over 120 languages. Below is a break down of the top 20 languages – even though English is the biggest, we’re seeing some of the fastest growth in non-English speaking places (for example Indonesia, Germany, France, and Turkey):

English 66%
Spanish 8.7%
Portuguese 6.5%
Indonesian 3.5%
Italian 2%
German 1.8%
French 1.4%
Russian 1.1%
Vietnamese 1.1%
Swedish 1.0%
Turkish 0.8%
Dutch 0.8%
Greek 0.7%
Polish 0.5%
Thai 0.4%
Hungarian 0.4%
Mongolian 0.3%
Arabic 0.3%
Norwegian 0.2%
Bulgarian 0.2%

How many blog posts are published on WordPress.com?
WordPress.com users publish about 500,000 new posts on an average day (and their readers leave 400,000 new comments every day). Here’s a whole page of daily posting stats if you’d like to dive deeper into posts, pages, and comments published.

What are some of the best known WordPress sites (both WordPress.com and WordPress.org based)?
From TechCrunch to The New York Times and the British Prime Minister, WordPress users span a broad range. Many of the Technorati Top 100 blogs use WordPress (as a matter of fact, WordPress is the most used platform among the T100). We showcase some leading WordPress sites here and here. And here are the top WordPress.com blogs of the moment.

What topics do people write about on WordPress.com?
All of them! Check out our tags to get a glimpse (other languages: Spanish, Indonesian, French, German, etc).

How does WordPress compare to other publishing platforms?
It’s a somewhat subjective call, but we like this Google Trends chart comparing the leading blogging platforms.

Will WordPress continue to grow?
Blogging is growing both in the US and especially internationally. Tens of thousands of new WordPress blogs are created every day – by regular bloggers, companies, large media publishers, and many others. In addition, we are seeing a trend that’s potentially even bigger than blogging: Publishers are starting to use WordPress as a platform to create all kinds of sites beyond blogs – large and small company sites, online magazines, social networks, travel sites, scrapbooking sites, contact managers, startups, multimedia archives, video sites, sports sites.

What’s the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?
WordPress.com is a service that hosts WordPress blogs. WordPress.org is a community where people work on the open source WordPress software. It’s also where that software can be downloaded to be run on your own web server (and about 28,000 people download it every day!) Still confused? You might want to read this.

Do you have more public stats?
Why yes. Here’s info on embeds (posts that contain Flickr, YouTube, Photobucket and Google Video) and some miscellaneous stats (support requests, theme switches, new avatars).